(A) Schematic of arrayed base-editing screens using individual gRNAs. Figure created using BioRender.com.
(B) Correlations of weighted fold change of all alleles (top), or Z scores of specific alleles (bottom), for each indicated gRNA compared with Z scores from the primary screen (see section “results” and STAR Methods for details).
(C and D) (C) Sequence analysis of the M1770I locus and (D) sequence analysis of the W1276* locus. (Left) Purple letters indicate the predicted nucleotide edits, while red letters indicate actual edits detected. (Right) Heatmap colors indicate the level of enrichment or depletion in log2 (fold change). Letters in boxes signify amino acid changes caused by the nucleotide mutations while asterisk (*) indicates a stop codon. Colored boxes with no letter indicate silent mutations. n = 3 sequencing replicates.