A, Smoothed (10 ms resolution, ma=31 points) time course along the trial of decoding accuracy from V1 neurons of visual (top, blue) and auditory (bottom, green) stimuli when they are relevant in their respective context (light color), or irrelevant in the opposite context (dark colors). Mean s.e.m. of n=8 animals, with s.e.m. also containing across animal mean of CV s.e.m. B, same as A, but decoding from ACC, n=4 animals. C, Similar to A, but trials in the relevant (saturated colors) and irrelevant (faint colors) context were stratified into consistent (purple) and exploratory (orange) groups according to the behavioural criteria detailed in Fig. 1 C, while stimulus differentiating colors are omitted. Measurement in V1, n=8 animals. D, as C, but in ACC, n=4 animals. E, Accuracy during irrelevant trials subtracted from accuracy during relevant accuracies, the time points between 0.5–2 s from animals in C and D were concatenated and displayed as single distributions, for V1 (left four boxplots), and ACC (right four boxplots), but modalities kept separate (left and right pairs within brain areas). Significant differences in how much in irrelevant context a stimulus less decodable than in relevant context between ‘consistent’ and ‘exploratory’ trials are displayed with t-test p-value estimates and confidence levels.