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[Preprint]. 2023 Oct 16:2023.10.12.23296976. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2023.10.12.23296976

Table 1. Summary statistics and demographic information for the four databases used in the study.

Figures in the main paper are based on data from the Commercial Claims and Encounters (CCAE) database, as CCAE is the largest database by an order of magnitude - additional graphs for MDCD, MDCR, and CUIMC can be found in Supplemental Materials. Commercial Claims and Encounters (CCAE) and Medicare (MDCR) databases do not have race or ethnicity demographic information. Data from all sources span January 01, 2010 through January 01, 2020.

Claims EHR
Database Commercial Claims and Encounters (CCAE) Medicaid (MDCD) Medicare (MDCR) Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC)
No. of persons 158,388,845 32,806,887 10,252,269 6,747,059
No.of women 80,947,643 18,436,044 5,662,878 3,758,402
No. of men 77,441,202 14,370,843 4,589,391 2,971,591
No. of conditions 16,454 16,269 15,850 17,587
Age range (years) 1 – 65 1 – 65 65+ All ages
Black N/A 8,897,511 N/A 380,926
White N/A 15,828,667 N/A 1,069,661
Hispanic, Latino N/A 2,396,864 N/A 529,371
Non-Hispanic, Latino N/A N/A N/A 992,193