A) Each trial consisted of five epochs (i.e., priors, sensory processing, movement preparation, movement initiation, and feedback) based on key task events. B) Rasters (top) and peri-event histograms (bottom) for an example neuron aligned to trial initiation (controller pressed ‘Up’) for unpatterned trials, separated by direction of response. Ipsilateral/contralateral is in relation to side of surgical intervention. Histograms are smoothed by taking the average firing rate in a moving 50ms window (shading, +/− 2 SEM (standard error of the mean)); note that y-axis does not extend to 0. Mean firing rates differ during priors and movement initiation epochs under the unpatterned context. C) As in B, but for the patterned context. All epochs but sensory processing differ in the patterned context. D) Comparing between contexts demonstrates that change in firing rate (firing rate during trials in which ipsilateral movements are made – trials in which contralateral movements are made) is greater for the patterned context. All epochs but sensory processing differ between contexts. Histograms are smoothed by taking the average firing rate in a moving 200ms window (shading, +/− 2 SEM).