Dedifferentiation of Pkd1–/– cyst epithelial cells. (A–D) A kidney from a P8 Pkd1–/–/LZ+ mouse was stained with anti–polycystin-2 (red, polycystin-2; blue, DAPI) (A), anti–acetylated tubulin (red, acetylated tubulin; green, β-gal; blue, DAPI) (B), anti-DBA (C) or anti–Na-K ATPase (D). (Right panels: A, C, and D) The same section was stained with β-gal and counterstained with Nuclear Fast Red. White and black arrowheads indicate the same epithelial cells. Original magnification, ×400. (B) Left and right panels indicate stainings in cuboidal and flat cyst epithelia, respectively. (E) Relationship between cell height and Na-K ATPase expression in the cyst epithelial cells shown in D. Each symbol indicates a cyst epithelial cell (Pkd1–/–/LZ+) or normal tubular epithelial cell (WT).