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. 2023 Oct 24;2023(10):CD014722. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD014722.pub2

Hendriks 2019.

Study characteristics
Methods Study design: RCT
Duration of study: the study was conducted in 2017.
Country: Suriname
Income classification: upper‐middle‐income country in 2017
Geographical scope: Paramaribo, the capital city of Suriname
Healthcare setting: workplace 
Participants 1. Age: 36.3 years (SD = 9.6)
2. Gender: both
3. Socioeconomic background: the majority of participants had an income of 1000‐2000 SR$.
4. Educational background: the majority of participants had a lower (36%) or the middle level of educational attainment (45%).
Inclusion criteria:
a. age between 18 and 60 years;
b. sufficiently fluent in the Dutch language to capably fill out questionnaires, read a training manual, and participate in written exercises;
c. available to participate in an opening session, followed by six 2‐ to 3‐hour intervention sessions, for 6 consecutive weeks.
Exclusion criteria:
not specified.
Note: at baseline, the intervention and control group scores for the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale—21 items (DASS‐21) were, respectively, 1.78 (0.51) and 1.71 (0.39).
Stated purpose: to evaluate the effects of a culturally adapted multicomponent positive psychology intervention (MPPI) on resilience
Interventions Name: Strong Minds Suriname
Title/name of PW and number: coaches (9)
1. Selection: employees with various ethnic backgrounds, thereby representing the ethnic composition of the participants in the study
2. Educational background: not specified
3. Training: received training on the intervention (no further information provided)
4. Supervision: supervisor observed the interaction between the coaches and the participants during each session and debriefed them afterward.
5. Incentives/remuneration: not specified
Prevention type: universal – all employees were eligible for inclusion, and their baseline scores for the DASS‐21 were well below the cut‐off for the measure.
Intervention details: the programme is based on the Shell Resilience Program and was adapted for the local context. It consists of 6 sessions titled 1) Be grateful; 2) Positivity starts with you; 3) Developing your own strengths; 4) Your goals are attainable; 5) Overcoming your problems; 6) Let it go. Positive activities conducted during the sessions included: relaxation and breathing exercises, psycho‐education, homework assignments.
Control: waiting list – at the end of the study the control participants received the intervention.
Outcomes Participants’outcomes of interest for this review
  1. Quality of life – Mental Health Continuum‐Short Form (MHC‐SF), total score

  2. Depressive symptoms – DASS‐21

  3. Anxiety symptoms – DASS‐21

  4. Distress/PTSD symptoms – DASS‐21

  5. Social outcome – MHC‐SF, social well‐being subscale

Carers’outcomes of interest for this review
Economic outcomes
Time points: baseline, post‐intervention (< 1 month)
Note: data at 3 months were not included in our review given that the waiting‐list control group already received the intervention at this time point.
Notes Source of funding: the study was funded by the University of Amsterdam and sponsored by the following participating Surinamese companies: Multi Electronic System N.V., Surinaamse Postspaarbank N.V., and the InterMed Group. Except for Wantley Sardjo, the CEO of Multi Electrical System N.V., and co‐author in this study, funders had no role in, or control over the collection, management, analysis, interpretation, and publication of the data.
Notes on validation of instruments (screening and outcomes): the Dutch scales were validated amongst other Dutch‐speaking populations (e.g. MHC‐SF, DASS‐21).
Additional information: none
Handling the data: not applicable
Prospective trial registration number: not reported