Zhou 2010.
Study characteristics | |
Methods |
Study design: cluster‐RCT Duration of study: the study was started in 2006 and published in 2010. Country: China Income classification: low‐middle‐income country from 2006 to 2009; upper‐middle‐income country in 2010 Geographical scope: rural Healthcare setting: home |
Participants | 1. Age: local residents more than 60 years old (intervention 71.5 ± 7.4; control 71.8 ± 7.4) 2. Gender: both 3. Socioeconomic background: most participants' annual income < 5000 RMB (1 yuan RMB = 0.142857 U.S. dollars [June, 2008 rate]) annually 4. Educational background: most participants illiterate Inclusion criteria: a. elderly individuals 60 years old or older; b. local residents in Baimu or Wangzhai town. Exclusion criteria: subjects with dementia, mental illness, limitations on cognition, and hospitalization at the time of contact were excluded. Note: at baseline, the intervention and control group scores for Short Form Health Survey 36‐Mental combined scale (SF‐36) were, respectively, 68.0 (17.6) and 65.3 (18.8). Stated purpose: to spread the knowledge of healthy lifestyles and to provide health‐related information to the older adult population |
Interventions |
Name: individualized health intervention Title/name of PW and number: village doctors 1. Selection: village doctors dispatched by community health services, speaking the local dialect and having good relationships with the local residents 2. Educational background: not specified 3. Training: not specified 4. Supervision: workshop on the 10th of each month for feedback on the intervention and advice on its implementation by the research team 5. Incentives/remuneration: not specified Prevention type: universal – all participants were eligible for inclusion, and their baseline scores for the SF‐36 were well below the cut‐off for the measure. Intervention details: tailored programme involving three components: (a) main health problems, (b) health behavioural prescriptions, and (c) intervention record and effect assessment schedule. The ordinary main health problems in this study were hypertension, coronary heart disease, chronic bronchitis, cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking, heavy salt intake, poor diet, and lack of regular exercise. Participants were given a health behavioural prescription (a prompt card) and then assessed on their state of change (i.e. pre‐contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance). Each participant received at least a home visit (lasting 20 to 30 minutes) per month over the intervention period (9 months) for encouragement and support. Motivational interviewing techniques were used, including consciousness‐raising, dramatic relief, self‐liberation, self‐revaluation, helping relationships and stimulus control + Community Health Campaign (CHC). Control: usual care – CHC: basic health promotion measure conducted in Wuyi County since 2005 to spread knowledge of a healthy lifestyle to the older population |
Outcomes |
Participants’outcomes of interest for this review
Carers’ outcomes of interest for this review Nil Economic outcomes Nil Time points: baseline, post‐intervention (7‐24 months) |
Notes |
Source of funding: not available Notes on validation of instruments (screening and outcomes): the SF‐36 was widely used to assess the quality of life because of its comprehensiveness, brevity, and high standard of reliability and validity. Thus, it has been used to assess the health status of older adults. Additional information: none Handling the data: not available Prospective trial registration number: not available |
ABC: antecedent (A), behaviour (B), consequence (C) ACL: adult literacy centre ACORN: a brief intervention to reduce maternal anxiety during pregnancy ACSM: American College of Sports Medicine ACT: adolescent coordinated transition ADDQOL: Audit of Diabetes Dependent Quality of Life AEP: Adolescence Education Program ALHIV: adolescents living with HIV AMACOMPRI: multimodal nursing intervention “Maternal Support for Becoming a First‐time Mother” APAI: Acholi Psychosocial Assessment Instrument ART: anti‐retroviral therapy ARV: anti‐retroviral AUDIT: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test AYPA: African Youth Psychosocial Assessment BAI: Beck Anxiety Inventory BaM(‐13): Being a Mother Scale BASC: Behaviour Assessment System for Children BBTI: Brief Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia BDI: Beck's Depression Inventory BIT: Brief Inventory of Thriving BPM(‐P): Brief Problem Monitor(‐parent form) BPSD: behavioral psychological symptoms of dementia CA: community activities CAPAS‐Mx: Criando con Amor, Promoviendo Armonía y Superación en México (Raising Children with Love, Promoting Harmony and Self‐Improvement [CAPAS‐Mx]) CATS: community adolescent treatment supporters CAU: care as usual CBCL: Child Behaviour Checklist CBI: classroom‐based intervention CBO: community‐based organisations CBT: cognitive‐ behavioural therapy CD4: CD4 T lymphocytes or 'helper T cells' CDA: child development agent CD‐H: Child Drawing: Hospital CDI: Children’s Depression Inventory CDR: Clinical Dementia Rating CES‐D(‐CC): Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (‐children) CFG: complementary feeding group CFI: Children’s Function Impairment CG: control group CH: community health CHAMP(SA): Collaborative HIV Adolescent Mental Health Program South Africa CHC: community health campaign CHIME: community psychosocial music intervention CHN: community health nurse CHV: community health volunteer CHW: community health workers CMD: common mental disorder C‐PrES: Community Pregnancy Surveillance and Targeted Education Sessions CPDS: Child Psychosocial Distress Screener CPSS: Child PTSD Symptom Scale CPSW: community‐based psychosocial workers CRIES‐8: Children's Revised Impact of Events Scale‐8 CRS: Catholic Relief Services CSI: caregiver support intervention CT: cognitive training CV: cardiovascular CW: community worker CWBFN: Child Welfare Bloemfontein & Childline Free State DASS‐21: Depression Anxiety Stress Scale‐21 DDS: Diabetes Distress Scale DEAL: medical student well‐being workshop, Family Environment Scale model DIL: depression in later life DPNP: diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain DSI: Daily Stress Index DSM: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSR: decision support recommendation DSRS: Depression Self‐Rating Scale DTP: Dramatic Therapeutic Play EASE: World Health Organization’s Early Adolescent Skills for Emotions EBES: Life of the Subjective Well‐being Scale ECBI: Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory ECD: Early Childhood Development ECI: Experience of Caregiving Inventory EDS: electronic decision support EMEP: Ways of Coping Scale ENACT: ENhancing Assessment of Common Therapeutic factors EPDS: Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale EPNDS: Edinburgh Postnatal Depression scale EQ‐5D‐3/5L: EuroQoL 5‐Dimension‐3/5‐Level ERSAE: universal teacher‐delivered program ESB: Economic Skill Building ESPS: ERSAE‐Stress‐Prosocial ETAU: enhanced treatment as usual EUC: enhanced usual care FES: Family Environment Scale FGD: focus group discussions FHC: family health centre FSH: follicle‐stimulating hormone FSI: family strengthening intervention FSS: Family Support Scale FV: family volunteers GAD‐7: Generalized Anxiety Disorder‐7 GCBT: group cognitive behavioural therapy GDS(‐S): Geriatric Depression Scale (‐Short Form) GHQ(‐12): General Health Questionnaire(‐ 12) GHS: Ghana Health Service GMKL: Gum Marom Kids League GP: general practitioner GSE: General Self‐Efficacy Scale HADS: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale HbA1c: hemoglobin A1c HC: health curriculum HCA: healthcare assistants HCQ: Huellitas Caregivers Questionnaire HDI: Human Development Index HE: health education HFP: Happy Families Program HIDV: Darcy Vargas Children’s Hospital HINSG: Hospital Infantil Nossa Senhora da Glória HIV: human immunodeficiency virus (H)MMSE: (Hindi) Mini‐Mental State Examination HSCL(‐25): Depression Subscale of the Hopkins Symptom Checklist‐25 HTQ: Harvard Trauma Questionnaire Huellitas: Dejando Huellitas en tu Vida (Leaving Traces on Your Life [Huellitas]) intervention HUUSP: University Hospital, University of São Paulo IADL: instrumental activities of daily living IASC: Inter‐Agency Standing Committee IAYT: Integrated Approach to Yoga Therapy ICDP: International Child Development Programme ICDS: Integrated Child Development Services ICBF: Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar IDP: internally displaced people IES: Impact of Event Scale IMB: Inshuti Mu Buzima iMBC: Integrated Mothers and Babies Course IPT: interpersonal psychotherapy IPV: intimate partner violence IRC: International Rescue Committee IRIE: IRIE Classroom Toolbox ISSL: Lipp's Stress Symptoms Inventory for Adults IUGR: intrauterine growth retardation K‐10: Kessler‐10 Item Scale LC: lay health counselor LCM: Levine's Conservation Model LDL: low‐density lipoprotein LHW: lay health worker LMIC: low‐ and middle‐ income country LSITA‐SF: Life Satisfaction Index for the Third Age‐Short Form LSNS: Lubben Social Network Scale LSS: Life Satisfaction Scale MA: methamphetamine MBSR: mindfulness‐based stress reduction MFQ: Mood and Feelings Questionnaire MHC‐SF: Mental Health Continuum Short Form MG: meditation group mhGAP: WHO Mental Health Gap Action ProgrammE MIND+: Be Mindful internet‐based and self‐guided course MINI: Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview MNCHN: Maternal, Newborn, Child Health, and Nutrition MoCA‐C: Montreal Cognitive Assessment‐Chinese version MoHCC: Ministry of Health and Child Care MOS: Social Support Medical Outcomes Study Questionnaire MPPI: multi‐component positive psychology intervention MPSS: Modified PTSD Symptom Scale MSRT: mind sound resonance technique MT: master trainer MWellcare: mHealth‐Based Electronic Decision Support System NA: not assessed NBPHS: national basic public health services NCD: noncommunicable diseases NCHS: National Centre for Health Statistics NEPIQOL: Neuropathic Pain Impact on Quality of Life Questionnaire NGO: non‐governmental organisation NIA‐AA: NIA‐AA Revised Diagnostic Criteria for Alzheimer's Disease PA: physical activity PAHO: Pan American Health Organization PAS: peer adherence support PC: primary care PCR: polymerase chain reaction PE: physical education PedsQL: Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory PF: programme facilitator PG: playgroup or postgraduate education PHQ(‐2/4/8/9): Patient Health Questionnaire (‐2/4/8/9) PHW: primary healthcare worker PI: principal investigator PIH: Partners In Health PLH: people living with HIV or Parenting for Lifelong Health program PLST: Progressively Lowered Stress Threshold Model PLWHA: people living with HIV/AIDS PM+: Problem Management Plus PMTCT: Prevent Mother‐to‐Child Transmission POP: Penn Optimism Program PPS: Pregnancy Pressure Scale PPSC: Pediatric Symptom Checklist PS: psychosocial stimulation PSA: profound stress attunement PSI(‐SF): Parenting Stress Index (‐short form) PSS: Perceived Stress Scale PSSA: Psychosocial Structured Activities PSSS: Perceived Social Support Scale PST: Problem‐Solving Therapy PTSD: post‐traumatic stress disorder PW: primary‐level workers QOL: quality of life QOL(‐AD): Quality of Life in Alzheimer's Disease Scale RADS‐2: Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale‐2 RAP‐A: Resourceful Adolescent Program‐adolescent version RC: resilience curriculum RCF&PG: responsive complementary feeding and playgroup RCT: randomized controlled trial REACH VN/VA: Resources for Advancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health in Vietnam REST: Rural Emergency Health Service and Transport RG: relaxation group RMB: renmimbi ('the people's currency') is the currency of China SBP: systolic blood pressure SCARED‐5: Screen for Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders SCAS: Spence Children's Anxiety Scale SCD: sickle cell disease SCID: Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM‐IV Diagnoses SCL(‐25): Symptom Check List(‐25) SCU: sickle cell unit SD: standard deviation SDSCA: Summary of Diabetes Self‐Care Activities SDQ(‐3): Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (‐3) SE: standard error SEHER: school health promotion intervention SES: socioeconomic status SF‐36: Short Form Health Survey SH+: Self Help Plus SRQ: Self‐Reporting Questionnaire SSEP: self‐efficacy‐focused structured education program SSQ: Shona Symptom Questionnaire SSRS: Social Support Rating Scale SSS(‐R): Social Support Scale (‐Revised) SSS: Social Security System STAI: State‐Trait Anxiety Inventory STI: sexually transmitted infection SWEMWBS: Short Warwick‐Edinburgh Mental Well‐being Scale SWLS: Satisfaction with Life Scale T2DM: type 2 diabetes TAP‐BR: Tailored Activity Program—Brazilian version TAU: treatment as usual TB: tuberculosis TEA: together for empowerment activities TGDS: Geriatric Depression Scale Thai version TPO: Transcultural Psychosocial Organization TTI: Theory of Triadic Influence UC: usual care UCT: unconditional cash transfer VC: violence curriculum VDC: Village Development Committees VEMOFIT: Value‐Based and Emotion‐Focused Educational Program VW: village‐level workers WEBWBS: Warwick‐Edinburg Mental Well‐being Scale WHO: World Health Organization WHO‐5: World Health Organization‐5 Well‐being Index WHODAS: WHO Disability Assessment Schedule WHOQOL‐BREF: World Health Organization ‐ Quality of Life ‐ short version WLH: women living with HIV WP: workshop with psychoeducation WPN: workshop with no psychoeducation ZBI: Zarit Burden Interview ZLDSI: Zanmi Lasante Depression Symptom Inventory