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. 2023 Oct 24;2023(10):CD014722. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD014722.pub2

Mohammadi‐Yeganeh 2008.

Methods The paper is in Persian; translation is not available.
Study design: RCT
Country: Iran
Participants Oral contraceptive pill users
Inclusion criteria: 
a. women who were suitable candidates to use OCPs
Exclusion criteria:
not specified
Stated purpose: to determine whether stress management education could influence mood and perceived stress in oral contraceptive users
Interventions Intervention:
stress management education
The experimental group used OCPs for three cycles with routine contraception counselling and concurrently exposed to one session of stress management education, and 3 times telephone counselling.
usual care (the control group received only routine contraception counselling during OCP use for three months).
Outcomes Participants'outcomes of interest for this review
  1. Mental health symptoms/mood state – Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS)

  2. Mental health symptoms/distress/PTSD – Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)

Economic outcomes
Time points: baseline, post‐intervention (immediate post‐intervention)
Notes Source of funding: not specified
Prospective trial registration number: not specified