Hossain 2019.
Study name | Effects of adding psychosocial stimulation for children of lactating mothers using an unconditional cash transfer platform on neurocognitive behaviour of children in rural Bangladesh |
Methods |
Study design: cluster‐RCT Country: Bangladesh |
Participants | Mothers with a child aged 6–16 months Inclusion criteria: a. mothers with a child aged 6–16 months; b. eligible to receive UCT (1. Psychosocial stimulation and UCT with HE arm: receiving unconditional cash from government. 2. UCT with HE arm: receiving unconditional cash from government. 3. Comparison arm: eligible to receive UCT but not under UCT programme); c. not expected to leave the study site for more than 2 months; d. has a legally acceptable representative capable of understanding the informed consent document and providing consent on the participant’s behalf. Exclusion criteria: a. legal guardian unwilling or unable to provide written informed consent; b. known congenital anomaly, developmental disorder or severe developmental delay; c. if the child cannot be tested due to physical or behavioural problems; d. children of multiple birth e.g. twin, triplets. Stated purpose: to measure effects of adding PS for children of lactating mothers enrolled to receive UCT with health education (HE) on neurocognitive behaviour of children in rural Bangladesh |
Interventions |
Interventions: Intervention 1: PS + UCT‐HE (psychosocial stimulation and UCT (maternity allowance) with HE awareness programme) Psychosocial stimulation: the participants will receive fortnightly sessions of psychosocial stimulation at home by community female play leaders for one year. The curriculum is based on improving the mother‐child interaction and providing developmentally appropriate activities for the child. Unconditional cash transfer (maternity allowance) with health education awareness programme: MOWCA provides maternity allowance of taka 500 ($6.25) for each targeted poor pregnant mother under safety net programme of the GOB. The mothers receive the cash every six months for two years through a banking channel. Intervention 2: UCT‐HE only Unconditional cash transfer (maternity allowance) with health education awareness programme: MOWCA provides maternity allowance of taka 500 ($6.25) for each targeted poor pregnant mother under safety net programme of the GOB. The mothers receive the cash every six months for two years through a banking channel. Control: Other: participants who are eligible to receive UCT but do not receive it due to resource constraints of the government |
Outcomes |
Participants'outcomes of interest for this review
Economic outcomes Cost‐effectiveness analysis: direct and indirect costs Time points: baseline, post‐intervention (follow‐up 12 months) |
Starting date | 20 August 2017 |
Contact information | Sheikh Jamal Hossain, sheikh.jamal@icddrb.org or Jamal_jeweldu@yahoo.com |
Notes |
Source of funding: Grand Challenges Canada under Saving Brains Programme Prospective trial registration number: NCT03281980 |