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. 2023 Oct 24;2023(10):CD014722. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD014722.pub2

Mapurunga 2020.

Study name The MBHP‐Elderly Study
Methods Study design: RCT
Country: Brazil
Participants Older adults assisted in primary care (≥ 60 years)
Inclusion criteria: 
a. men and women 60 years or older;
b. elderly classified as cognitively normal (CDR = 0) and/or with mild cognitive impairment (CDR = 0.5);
c. literate;
d. not have an advanced computer level;
e. good hearing to follow the practices.
Exclusion criteria:
a. participants performing contemplative practices such as yoga, tai‐chi‐chuan, vipassana, Zen Buddhism, mindfulness, and other meditative practices in the last 6 months;
b. patients with acute phase of depression evaluated by the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS‐15);
c. patients with psychotic diagnosis;
d. taking drugs that cause cognitive impairment;
e. score 1.0 or more at the CDR applied during the recruitment by a trained gerontologist in order to diagnose cognitive impairment.
Stated purpose: to evaluate the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of the MBHP programme on quality of life (primary outcome) of older adults assisted in PC comparing to a cognitive stimulation active control group
Interventions Intervention:
Mindfulness‐Based Health Promotion (MBHP) programme
It is originally an 8‐session (2 or 1.5 h each) programme based on the MBSR model created by Kabat‐Zinn and colleagues. The MBHP is adapted to the context of PC with a framework that supports the learning process to individuals from different cultures and education backgrounds. In this study participants will have a weekly meeting of an hour and 30 min for 8 weeks to perform the MBI (MBHP protocol) accompanied by extra four 1‐h meetings through a maintenance group with all participants after the eighth week (each maintenance session took place fortnightly), totalling a 4‐month (16‐week) intervention.
Active control group: cognitive stimulation control group (This training is a computer class workshop based on a model proposed by Xavier and colleagues, which uses the staging methodology considering cognitive and functional resources accordingly to the level of complexity and difficulties from the executive functions theory. The abilities learned at the workshop will be basic computer functions. Participants will take computer‐based cognitive stimulation classes for 4 months, once‐a‐week 1.5‐h meetings without a maintenance phase, totalling 16 weeks).
Outcomes Participants'outcomes of interest for this review
  1. Quality of life – World Health Organization Quality‐of‐Life Scale (WHOQOL‐BREF)

  2. Mental health symptoms/anxiety – Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS‐21)

  3. Mental health symptoms/depression – Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS‐21)

  4. Mental health symptoms/distress/PTSD – Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS‐21)

Economic outcomes
Time points: baseline, post‐intervention (immediate post‐intervention and 1‐year follow‐up)
Starting date June 2018
Contact information Marcelo Demarzo,
Notes Source of funding: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoas de Nível Superior—Brasil (CAPES)—Finance Code 001 (Master fellowship) and by Mente Aberta ‐ Brazilian Center for Mindfulness and Health Promotion through subsidizing the materials needed for this research
Prospective trial registration number: NCT03048708