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. 2023 Oct 24;2023(10):CD014722. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD014722.pub2


Study name The effect of mindfulness‐based mandala activity on anxiety and spiritual well‐being levels of senior nursing students
Methods Study design: RCT
Country: Turkey
Participants Senior nursing students
Inclusion criteria: 
a. registering the theoretical and practical courses within the scope of Nursing Vocational Courses Application II;
b. with internet access;
c. agree to participate in the study.
Exclusion criteria:
a. receiving psychiatric treatment (pharmacological and/or psychotherapy);
b. substance addiction;
c. participated in any meditation‐based therapy programme before.
Stated purpose: to determine the effect of mindfulness‐based mandala activity on the spiritual well‐being and anxiety levels of senior nursing students in a parallel‐group pretest‐post‐test randomized controlled study design
Interventions Intervention:
Mindfulness‐based mandala activity
Mindfulness‐based mandala activity was applied to the intervention group via the Zoom online program. Students will be divided into groups of 6‐10 and mandala activities will be carried out. With three weeks of mandala activity, breathing exercises, affirmations, etc., a therapeutic application programme was created and implemented.
Usual care (standard support programme given by the school administration and course instructors will be applied for clinical problems. At the end of the study, it is planned to apply mandala activities amongst the students in the control group).
Outcomes Participants'outcomes of interest for this review
  1. Mental health symptoms/anxiety – State‐Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)

Economic outcomes
Time points: baseline, post‐intervention (3 weeks after)
Starting date 10 May 2021
Completed trial (30 June 2021)
Contact information Çiğdem Sarı Öztürk
Notes Source of funding: not specified
Prospective trial registration number: NCT05053178