Zheng 2020.
Study name | Internet‐based support program on parenting outcomes for Chinese primiparous women |
Methods |
Study design: RCT Country: China |
Participants | Primiparous women Inclusion criteria: a. first‐time mothers with healthy babies; b. aged 18 years or above; c. married; d. able to response the questionnaires. Exclusion criteria: a. women or their children have severe physical and mental diseases Stated purpose: to evaluate the effects of internet‐based support programme for primiparous women in terms of improving the levels of maternal self‐efficacy, social support, and satisfaction; and reducing their postpartum depression symptoms |
Interventions |
Intervention: Internet‐based support programme (ISP) Based on the self‐efficacy theory and the social exchange theory, the internet‐based support programme has five modules: (a) learning forum of parenting knowledge and skills; (b) communication forum; (c) ask‐the‐expert forum; (d) baby home forum; and (e) reminder forum. The ISP intervention has a fixed structure and lasts approximately 3 months. Control: Usual care (routine care consists of supports from the obstetricians and obstetric nurses during the 3–5 days hospitalization; and home visits from the community doctors on the 3rd, 7th, 14th, and 28th days postpartum. The women in the study group will have access to the ISP and receive routine care in the postpartum period) |
Outcomes |
Participants'outcomes of interest for this review
Economic outcomes Nil Time points: baseline, post‐intervention (immediate post‐intervention and 3 months follow‐up) |
Starting date | May 2020 (recruitment start date) |
Contact information | Qun Wang, qunwang@szu.edu.cn |
Notes |
Source of funding: Natural Science Foundation of China Youth project (grant no. 81703234), Medical Science and Technology Research fund project of Guangdong Province (grant no. A2018335), Basic Research Free Exploration Project of Shenzhen City (grant no. JCYJ20170818094440661, JCYJ20180305163459491) Prospective trial registration number: ChiCTR2000033154 |
AC: accountable care condition (a)CBS: (adapted) community‐based socio‐therapy ACSM: American College of Sports Medicine ACT: Adolescent Coordinated Transition ADL: activities of daily living AGYW: adolescent girls and young women ALHIV: adolescents living with HIV AMH: Adeoyo Maternity Hospital ANC: antenatal care APP: application ART: anti‐retroviral therapy ASPIRE: ASPIRE intervention ASSIST‐Y: Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Use Involvement Test‐Youth ATO: Anti‐Terrorist Operations AUDIT‐C: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test‐Consumption BASIC: Building and Sustaining Interventions for Children BDI: Beck Depression Inventory BEPS: Early Book Sharing BIO: brief interventions for older adults BMI: body mass index BPEI: burden ‐ patient enablement instrument BPM‐Y: Brief Problem Monitor–Youth Brief‐COPE: Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced Inventory ‐ short version BUCM: Beijing University of Chinese Medicine CA: corrected age CABI: Child and Adolescent Behavior Inventory CA‐CBT: Culturally Adapted Cognitive Behavioral Intervention CASP‐16: Control, Autonomy, Self‐realisation and Pleasure‐16 CBCL: Child Behavior Checklist CBT: cognitive‐behavioural therapy CBTH: Community Based Trauma Healing CD: compact disc CDR: Clinical Dementia Rating CDW: community disability workers CESD(‐R): Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale(‐revised) CETA: Common Elements Treatment Approach CGD: Complicated Grief Disorder CGI‐s: Clinical Global Impression severity CHU9D: Child Health Utility 9D CHW: community health workers CON: group C control COSTAR: COSTAR study COVID: Coronavirus Disease CP: cerebral palsy CIIC: Community‐Integrated Intermediary Care CPSS: Perceived Stress Scale, Chinese version CSBS: Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scale CSF: central storage facility or Coping Self‐efficacy Scale CSRI: Client Services Receipt Inventory CSS: CETA Short Session CST: caregivers skills training DASS(‐21): Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale(‐21) DD‐CGAS: Developmental Disability‐Children's Global Assessment Scale DDU‐GKY: Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana DERS: Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale DIALOG+: DIALOG+ intervention DM: diabetes mellitus DRC: Democratic Republic of the Congo DSM‐5: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition EBI: evidence‐based intervention ECD: early childhood development ECM: Enhancing Contact Model ECU/EUC: enhanced care as usual/enhanced usual care EL: EL intervention EPDS: Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale ESC: European Society of Cardiology ETAU: enhanced treatment as usual EX: exercise FNPH: Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital FSI‐ECD: Family Strengthening Intervention for Early Childhood Development FSS: Functional Social Support Questionnaire GAD‐7: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Assessment‐7 GDS: Geriatric Depression Scale GHQ‐12: General Health Questionnaire GM: general movement GSP: group support psychotherapy HADS: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale HASTAG: HASTAG project HE: health education HIAS: Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society HINE: Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination HIV: human immunodeficiency virus HSCL: Hopkins Symptom Checklist HTN: hypertension IAC: Intensive Adherence Counseling ICER: incremental cost‐effectiveness ratio IDSS: International Depression Symptom Scale ILAE: International League Against Epilepsy IMB: Information‐motivation‐behavioral Skills INR: Indian rupee iOS: operating system for mobile devices manufactured by Apple IPP: implementation policies and practices IPV: intimate partner violence ISP: internet‐based support programme ITBCS: Individualized Telephone‐based Care Support IVF: in vitro fertilization IWQ: Imaginary Working Qigong IYMPE: Integrated Yoga Module for Persons with Epilepsy JIAH: Jharkhand Initiative for Adolescent Health K6/10: Kessler‐6/10 Item Scale LEAP‐CP: Learning through Everyday Activities with Parents for infants at high risk of Cerebral Palsy LGBT+: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender+ LTC: long‐term care LHW: lady health workers MANSA: Manchester Short assessment MBHP: mindfulness‐based health promotion MBI: mindfulness‐based intervention MBSR: mindfulness‐based stress reduction MCSF: Mental Health Continuum‐Short Form Questionnaire MESSSSAGE: mHealth Interactive Education and Social Support Intervention for Improving Postnatal Health MFQ: Mood and Feelings Questionnaire MH‐FA: First Aid in Mental Health mh‐GAP: World Health Organization Mental Health Action Programme MHL: mental health literacy MHP: mental health promotion MHPSS: Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Module MI: multifactorial intervention MINI: Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview Mini‐Cog: Mental Status Assessment of Older Adults MNCH: maternal, newborn and child health MOH: medical officer of health MOS: Medical Outcomes Study MOWCA: maternity allowance with health education awareness programme MSM: men who have sex with men MSPSS: Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support MSSS: Modified Social Support Survey MUAC: mid‐upper arm circumference NA: not available ODD: oppositional defiant disorder OS(G): organized support (group) OSSS: Oslo Social Support Scale PA: physical activity PACT‐HF: physical activity and brief cognitive behaviour therapy for heart failure patients PAPA: Pediatric Adult Pediatric Adult PAR‐Q+: Physical Activity Readiness for Everyone PATH: conditional cash transfer programme PC: primary care PCL(‐5): Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist(‐5) PD: ParentCorps‐ Professional Development PDT: ParentCorps‐Professional Development (PD) + T‐Wellness PedsQL: Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory PFA: Psychological First Aid PFI: Psychoeducational Family Intervention PHC: primary health centre PHQ‐9/A: Patient Health Questionnaire‐9/adolescent PHM: public health midwife PLA: participatory learning and action PLH‐YC: Parenting for Lifelong Health for Young Children PMTCT: prevention of mother‐to‐child transmission POA: pregnant women in their second trimester PROMIS: Pictorial Pediatric Symptom Checklist‐17 ProQOL: Professional Quality of Life Measure PS: psychosocial stimulation PSI‐SF: Parenting Stress Index ‐ short form PST: problem‐solving therapy PSYCHLOPS: Psychological Outcome Profiles Instrument PSS: Post‐traumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Scale PSS: Perceived Stress Scale PSSS: Postpartum Social Support Scale PT: physical therapy PTSD: post‐traumatic stress disorder PM+: Problem Management Plus QALYs: quality‐adjusted life‐years QOL: quality of life QoLIE‐10: Quality of Life in Epilepsy‐10 RAP: Resourceful Adolescent Programme RCT: randomized controlled trial REaCH: Resiliency Engagement and Care in Health RISE: Prevention of Child Mental Health Problems in Southeastern Europe ‐ Adapt, Optimise, Test, and Extend Parenting for Lifelong Health ROI: return on investment SAM: short‐term audio mindfulness meditation SCARED: Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders SCS: Social Connectedness Scale SDQ: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire SDS: Social Distance Scale SE: standard error SF‐12: Short‐Form Health Survey 12‐item SFGC: Search for Common Ground SH+: Self‐Help Plus SHG: self‐help groups SIX: Objective Social Outcomes Index SMART: Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial SMBM: Shirom‐Melamed Burnout Measure SMFQ: Short Moods and Feeling Questionnaire SMS: short message (or messaging) service SMT: stress management training SNEHA: Society for Nutrition, Education and Health Action SPIRIT: Integrated Suicide Prevention Programme SPSI: Social Problem‐Solving Inventory ‐ Adolescent version SRQ‐20: Self Reporting Questionnaire SSQ: Shona Symptoms Questionnaire SSRS: Social Support Rating Scale~ STAI: State‐Trait Anxiety Inventory STI: sexually transmitted infection SUMS: scaling up of mental health in schools SWEMWBS: Short Warwick‐Edinburgh Mental Well‐being Scale TAU: treatment as usual t‐CETA: Phone‐Delivered Psychological Intervention TeaLeaF: Teacher‐delivered Child Mental Healthcare in Primary Schools of India TES: Thriving Environment in Schools TF‐CBT: Trauma‐Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy TH: trauma healing THP: Thinking Healthy Programme TOCA‐C: Teacher Observation of Classroom Adaptation‐Checklist TQS: Ten Questions Screen TT: Thriving Together UCH: University College Hospital UCT: unconditional cash transfer UWE: Centre for Appearance Research UX: user experience VL: viral load WHO: World Health Organization WHO‐EMRO: World Health Organization, Eastern Mediterranean Region WHO‐5: World Health Organisation‐5 Well‐being IndexWHODAS: WHO Disability Assessment Scale WHOQOL‐BREF: World Health Organization Quality of Life Instruments YAM: Youth Aware of Mental health ZBI(‐12): Zarit Burden Interview(‐12)