Table 5.
1. This is the first systematic review and meta-analyses that looks at the long-term effects of CEA and CEN on adult mental health |
2. CEA and CEN are significantly associated with adult PD, eating disorder, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation or attempts, substance abuse, and other psychological symptoms |
3. Clinical populations are more likely than non-clinical populations to have experienced CEA or CEN during childhood |
4. The associations between CEA/CEN and adult mental health remain significant after adjusting for other types of abuse |
5. Moderators such as publication year, region, and study methodological quality did not affect the associations between CEA/CEN and adult mental health problems |
6. There is a consistency of findings in associations between studies conducted in European countries, the United States, and Asia, suggesting that the impact of CEA/CEN on adult mental health is universal |
7. Studies conducted on the Chinese populations showed consistent results with English studies. |
Note. CEA = childhood emotional abuse; CEN = childhood emotional neglect; PD = personality disorder.