E. coli acid shock and fitness genes affect the replication of LF82 in macrophages. (A) Heat map of acid fitness genes expression of LF82 under acid treatment. (B) qRT-PCR detected the expression of asr in LF82 under acid treatment. (C) qRT-PCR detected the expression of asr in LF82-infected macrophages at indicated time point. (D) qRT-PCR detected the expression of gadA in LF82 under acid treatment. (E) qRT-PCR detected the expression of gadA in LF82-infected macrophages at indicated time point. (F) qRT-PCR detected the expression of hdeA and hdeB in LF82 under acid treatment. (G) qRT-PCR detected the expression of hdeA and hdeB in LF82-infected macrophages at indicated time point. (H) Comparison of intracellular replication between Δasr, Δasr+pasr, ΔgadA, ΔgadA+pgadA, ΔhdeA, ΔhdeA+phdeA, ΔhdeB, ΔhdeB+phdeB and WT at 24 h p.i. (I) Comparison of intracellular replication between Δasr, Δasr+pasr, ΔgadA, ΔgadA+pgadA, ΔhdeA, ΔhdeA+phdeA, ΔhdeB, ΔhdeB+phdeB and WT at 24 h p.i. treated with 30 mM NH4Cl. (J) Comparison of intracellular replication between Δasr, Δasr+pasr, ΔgadA, ΔgadA+pgadA, ΔhdeA, ΔhdeA+phdeA, ΔhdeB, ΔhdeB+phdeB and WT at 24 h p.i. treated with 10 μM CQ. Data were obtained from three independent experiments and analyzed using Student’s t-test. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001; n.s., not significant.