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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2023 Oct 24.
Published in final edited form as: Neurocrit Care. 2014 Dec;21(Suppl 2):S297–S361. doi: 10.1007/s12028-014-0081-x

Studies evaluating cardiac output (CO) in acute brain injury patients

Reference Patient number Study design Group Technique assessment End-point Findings Quality of evidence
Incidence of altered CO
 Mutoh et al. [24] 46 P SAH TT To evaluate the time course of cardiac function High CI on admission which diminished on day 5
Hgher CI in patients with poor neurological status
 Trieb et al. [25] 30 P Stroke PAC To evaluate CO after ischemic stroke Patients with stroke had significantly higher CO than comparable controls Low
 Laurent et al. [26] 165 R CA PAC To evaluate hemodynamics after CA Low CI is common in the early phase after CA, which normalizes thereafter, except in those dying with cardiogenic shock and MOF Very low
 Rzheutskaya et al. [102] 13 P TBI TT To assess hemodynamic alterations after TBI Four different hemodynamic response according to CI, SVR, SVV and response to fluid administration Very low
 Schulte Esch et al. [40] 12 P TBI PAC To assess hemodynamic alterations after TBI Elevated CI with high PAOP and low SVRI were reported Very low
Role of CO monitoring to explain the mechanisms of brain injury-related cardiopulmonary complications
 Sato et al. [37] 49 P SAH TT To assess variables related to the development of PE Patients with PE had lower CI than others Low
 Deehan et al. [38] 24 R SAH PAC To evaluate hemodynamics in patients with PE
To assess effects of dobutamine
Variable hemodynamic variables
Increased CI and decreased PAOP in patients with PE
Very low
 Vespa et al. [39] 56 R SAH PAC To evaluate the mechanisms of poor oxygenation after SAH Similar hemodynamics between patients with and without poor oxygenation Very low
 Tamaki et al. [103] 15 P TBI PAC To assess hemodynamic alterations after TBI All patients had high PAOP and PVR
Hypotensive patients had low CI and elevated SVRI
Normotensive patients had high SVRI
Very low
 Nicholls et al. [104] 60 P TBI To assess hemodynamic alterations after TBI High CI and MAO with reduced tissue oxygenation were found
Survivors had higher CI and tissue oxygenation than non-survivors
 Bergman et al. [41] 50 P OHCA PAC To evaluate the effects of TH on hemodynamics TH lowered heart rate, filling pressures, CO and MAP without deleterious effects on SvO2 Low
 Zobel et al. [42] 40 P CA PAC To evaluate the effects of TH on hemodynamics during cardiogenic shock TH improved hemodynamics during cardiogenic shock following CA Low
 Sato et al. [43] 60 P SAH PAC To evaluate the effects of TH on systemic and cerebral hemodynamics during surgery TH was associated with decreased CI and increased arterio-jugular difference in oxygen Low
Association between CO and brain perfusion, neurological complications or outcome
 Tone et al. [48] 42 P SAH PAC To evaluate the correlation between hemodynamic variables and CBF CBF was correlated with CI Very low
 Hashimoto et al. [105] 20 P BS TT To evaluate the correlation between hemodynamic variables and CBF CBF was not correlated with CI after BAVM resection Very low
 Watanabe et al. [34] 34 P SAH TT To evaluate which hemodynamic variable was associated with the occurrence of DCI DCI was associated with lower CI Low
 Mayer et al. [45] 72 R SAH Echography To evaluate which hemodynamic variable was associated with the occurrence of DCI DCI was associated with lower CI Very low
 Yousef et al. [47] 149 P SAH Echography To evaluate which hemodynamic variable was associated with the occurrence of DCI DCI was associated with lower CI Low
 Torgesen et al. [106] 153 R CA PAC To evaluate the impact of hemodynamic variables on outcome during NT No association of hemodynamic variables with outcome Very low
 Torgesen et al. [107] 134 R CA PAC To evaluate the impact of hemodynamic variables on outcome during TH Elevated CI was associated with poor outcome Very low
 Yamada et al. [108] 34 P TBI Dye Dilution To evaluate the impact of hemodynamic variables on outcome after severe TBI Low CI was associated with poor outcome Very low
Effects of therapies modifying CO on neurological status
 Chatterjee et al. [109] 15 P BS Echography To evaluate the effects of mannitol on systemic hemodynamics Mannitol increased CI during 15 min after administration Low
 Stoll et al. [110] 20 P Stroke BioImp To evaluate the effects of HES on systemic hemodynamics decrease HES administration avoided nocturnal in CO and MAP
No effects on neurological status were reported
Very low
 Finn et al. [52] 32 P SAH PAC To evaluate the effects of hemodynamic optimization on neurological status Maintaining PAOP between 14 and 16 mmHg reversed neurological deficit; all patients had CI > 4.5 L/min m2 Very low
 Mori et al. [53] 98 P SAH PAC HHH To evaluate the effects of HHH therapy on CBF and neurological status HHH increased PAOP and CI
Increased MAP and CI was associated with increased CBF
 Otsubo et al. [51] 41 P SAH PAC NV-HT To evaluate the effects of NV-HT on neurological status NV-HT increased also CI and improved neurological status in 71 % of symptomatic vasospasm Low
 Muench et al. [54] 47 P SAH PAC HHH (NE) To evaluate the effects of different component of HHH therapy on brain perfusion and oxygenation Increased MAP but unchanged CI
Increase in rCBF/PbO2 only with HTN
 Mutoh et al. [111] 7 P SAH TT To evaluate the effects of hyperdynamic therapy on brain oxygenation during symptomatic vasospasm TT-guided therapy Increased rSO2 during VSP Very low
 Levy et al. [55] 23 P SAH PAC Dobu To evaluate the effects of dobutamine on neurological status Increased CI improved neurological status during CV in 78 % of patients who failed to respond to NE Low
 Tanabe et al. [50] 10 R SAH PAC To evaluate the effects of IV albumin on systemic hemodynamics Increased CI improved neurological status during CV Very low
 Hadeishi et al. [49] 8 R SAH PAC Dobu To evaluate the effects of dobutamine on neurological status Increased CI improved neurological status during CV Very low
 Kim et al. [112] 16 P SAH PAC Dobu/Phenyl To evaluate the effects of dobutamine and phenylephrine on neurological status Both drugs increased CBF in patients with vasospasm Very low
 Miller et al. [113] 24 P SAH PAC Phenylephr To evaluate the effects of phenylephrine on neurological status Increased MAP did not result in CI changes—88 % of patients improved neurological status Low
 Naidech et al. [114] 11 R SAH PACDobu/xMilri To evaluate the effects of different inotropes on systemic hemodynamics Milrinone was more effective to increase CI but was also associated with lower MAP Very low
Impact of specific therapies dealing with optimization of CO on outcomes
 Tagami et al. [65] 1,482 R (b/a) OHCA TT-guided therapy To assess the impact of TT-guided therapy on outcome of CA patients Improved good neurological outcome Low
 Kim et al. [67] 453 P (b/a) SAH PAC To evaluate the effects of hemodynamic monitoring on the occurrence of complications Reduced incidence of sepsis and pulmonary edema
Reduced mortality (29 vs. 34 %, p = 0.04)
 Mutoh et al. [78] 45 P SAH TT To evaluate the effects of hemodynamic monitoring on the occurrence of complications 4/8 DCI in patients with VSP
No pulmonary edema or heart failure
 Vermeij et al. [115] 348 R (b/a) SAH PAC (VSP) HHH To evaluate the effects of hemodynamic monitoring on the occurrence of complications Reduced mortality among patients with DCI Low
 Medlock et al. [69] 47 P SAH PAC Proph. HHH To evaluate the effects of hemodynamic monitoring on the occurrence of complications Proph HHH did not prevent DNID 26 % incidence of PE Low
 Rondeau et al. [66] 41 RCT SAH TT To evaluate the effects of hemodynamic monitoring on the occurrence of complications Dobu versus NE: similar VSP and DCI but lower MV duration and ICU stay Moderate
 Mutoh et al. [68] 116 RCT SAH PAC (late) TT To evaluate the effects of hemodynamic monitoring on the occurrence of complications Reduced VSP, DCI, VSP-related infarctions, CV complications—improved mRS Moderate
 Lennihan et al. [116] 82 RCT SAH PAC HV versus NV To evaluate the effects of hemodynamic monitoring on the occurrence of complications HV did not increase CBF but raised filling pressures
No differences in occurrence of VSP and DCI

P prospective, R retrospective, SAH subarachnoid haemorrhage, TBI traumatic brain injury, TT transpulmonary thermodilution, PE pulmonary edema, CO cardiac output, PCWA pulse contour wave analysis, LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, NPE neurogenic pulmonary edema, NR not reported, CV cerebral vasospasm, CI cardiac index, PE pulmonary edema, IABP intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation, LVEF low ventricular ejection fraction, cTnI troponin I, GEDVI global end-diastolic volume index, GEF global ejection fraction, DCI delayed cerebral infarction, BNP brain natriuretic peptide, SV stroke volume, ECG electrocardiogram, VA ventricular arrhythmias