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. 2023 Oct 20;9(11):e21289. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e21289

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

The Asian institution and country collaborative network on the occupational exposure of nurses, 1999–2021. (A) Network visualization for organizations (n ≥ 5). Different colors represent different clusters; the institutions' collaboration relationship is represented by the connecting lines between nodes, and the level of collaboration is represented by the width of the connecting lines. (B) The co-occurrence detail of China Medical University. (C) Overlay visualization for organizations (n ≥ 5). Depending on the year of the first publication, a node's hue can vary from blue (the oldest) to yellow (the latest). (D) Network visualization for countries. The node's size indicates the quantity of documents, the lines connecting points denote a cooperative link between countries, and different color thicknesses encircling the nodes indicate the quantity of documents in different years. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)