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. 2023 Oct 17;11:e107919. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.11.e107919

Table 5.

Number of species and individuals found in larval or exuvial form at the studied sites with intermittent and permanent water coverage, in 2021. L = larval form, E = exuvial form.

Species Intermittent Permanent Form
Calopteryxsplendens 0 1 L
Coenagrionpuella 10 8 L
Coenagrionpulchellum 0 1 L
Ischnuraelegans 5 10 L
Ischnurapumilio 0 3 L
Anaximperator 3 2 L
Somatochlorameridionalis 1 0 E
Libelluladepressa 6 0 L
Orthetrumalbistylus 1 0 L
Orthetrumcoerulescens 1 0 L
Sympetrummeridionale 0 1 L
Sympetrumsanguineum 0 1 L
Sympetrumstriolatum 0 5 L
Total number of species 7 9
Total number of individuals 27 32