Heat response latencies for males (A,C,E,G) and females (B,D,F,H) across the withdrawal period during week 1 (A,B), week 2 (C,D), week 3 (E,F) and week 4 (G, H). Female heat sensitivity begins after 1 week of treatment of CIEV and becomes maximal after four weeks while the males do not develop heat sensitivity after CIEV treatment. All data are presented at mean ± SEM. N = 8 per EtOH exposed group, and 16 per AC group. * P < .05 CIEV + Pyrazole compared to AC; **P < .01 CIEV + Pyrazole compared to AC. #P < .05 CIEV + Pyrazole compared to CIEV + Saline; ###P < .001 CIEV + Pyrazole compared to CIEV + Saline.