Fig. 3. Sturgeon applied to nanopore-sequenced samples.
a, Two representative examples of Sturgeon classification on nanopore-sequenced samples. The x axis indicates the sequencing time (5-min pseudotime intervals) and the y axis indicates the confidence score. Circles indicate the confidence score of the correct class; diamonds indicate the confidence score of incorrect classes (classes with averaged scores lower than 0.1 are omitted). Asterisks indicate the first timepoint at which the confidence score of the correct class was higher than 0.95. b, Sturgeon classification scores for 27 paediatric CNS tumour samples at increasing sequencing time (5-min pseudotime intervals). Only the confidence score of the correct class is plotted; see Extended Data Fig. 5 for complete results for each sample. c, Sturgeon classification results on the publicly available data from Kuschel et al.22 (415 sequencing runs). Samples for which the highest-scoring class is correct are indicated as circles and samples for which the highest-scoring class is incorrect are shown as crosses. Points are filled on the basis of the correct class according to the colour scheme shown in Fig. 1c.