Fig. 6. Shape-programmable hydrosetting of CDs-UPy films.
a Photographs of stripes of CDs-UPy films immersed in the water. b–e Photographs of diverse programmed shapes of CDs-UPy film stripes. f The photograph of the cube (right) folded from the cross-shaped CDs-UPy films along dashed lines (left). h–k The sequential shaping of the same CDs-UPy film stripe (g) into a triangle (h), a square (i), a ring (j), and a helix (k). Scale bars are 5 mm. α = 1.51 mmol g−1. The photographs were taken under the ambient light (up in a–d, f, h–k, and left in e, g) and the ultraviolet lamp (down in a–d, f, h–k, or right in e, g).