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. 2023 Oct 25;14:6777. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-42458-1

Fig. 7. Viability of mutp53-bearing tumor organoids in AA restriction is dampened by inhibition of SSP/LAT1 or mechanosignaling.

Fig. 7

a Table depicting PDOs ID, BC subtype, and TP53 status. b Heatmap showing relative viability percentage of patient-derived BC organoids grown in medium containing 100%, 25%, or 5% AAs. Data are normalized to complete medium (100%) and expressed as mean±s.d. of n = 3 experiments with at least 2 independent replicates each. P values are calculated vs complete medium (100%). c Quantification of relative viability percentage of patient-derived BC organoids grown in complete medium (CM) or in medium containing 25% AAs (low AA) and treated with DMSO (NT), NCT-503 10 μM, JPH203 10 μM, combination of NCT503 10 μM-JPH203 10 μM (N/J), Dasatinib (Dasa) 100 nM for 7 days. At the endpoint, organoids were quantified using Cell Titre Glo reagent. Data are normalized to control treatment (CM). Graph bars represent mean±s.d. of n = 3 (NCT503 10 μM-JPH203 10 μM; N/J) and n = 2 (Dasatinib) experiments with at least 2 independent replicates each (individual replicates are shown). P values above each bar are calculated vs medium containing 25% AAs (low AA) and treated with DMSO (NT) (red line). P values calculated comparing specific conditions are indicated using square brackets. d Representative images of one wtp53-expressing PDO (#7) and one mutp53-expressing PDO (#13), grown in complete medium (CM) or in medium containing 25% AAs (low AA), treated with DMSO (NT), combination of NCT503 10 μM-JPH203 10 μM (N/J) or Dasatinib (Dasa). Scale bar 50 μm. Two-tailed Student’s t-test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.