a, Adjusted mean EDSS scores over time by carrier status for rs149097173 predicted from LMM analysis. Shaded ribbons indicate the standard error of the mean over time; P value from LMM. b, Covariate-adjusted cumulative incidence of 24-week confirmed disability worsening for the same groups of individuals. c, Covariate-adjusted cumulative incidence of requiring a walking aid; carriers had a 2.2-year shorter median time to require a walking aid. HR and two-sided P values were obtained from Cox proportional hazards models using imputed allele dosage (b–c; Methods). Results were not significant after adjusting for multiple testing across two variants (see Fig. 3 for rs10191329 associations) and three outcomes (P < 0.05/6), although the latter are not expected to be independent. CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio.