Fig. 2. Detectable anti-SARS-CoV-2 memory B cell responses in the lung mucosa following infection and vaccination.
A Example flow cytometry plots of Spike-, RBD- and N-specific global memory B cells (MBCs) in PBMC and BAL sample of an unexposed pre-pandemic control (left) and an infected vaccinated donor(right) (see Suppl. Fig. 3 for full gating). B–D Frequency of circulating Spike-, RBD- and N-specific MBCs in control (n = 10), uninfected vaccinated (n = 9) and infected vaccinated donors (n = 22). E–G Frequency of Spike-, RBD- and N-specific MBCs detected in BAL samples of control (n = 6), uninfected vaccinated (n = 5) and infected vaccinated donors (n = 13). The limit of assay sensitivity (LOS) per antigen is depicted with dotted black line. H Frequency of SARS-CoV-2 specific memory B cells in blood (PBMC) and BAL, shown as paired samples, of uninfected vaccinated (n = 5) and infected vaccinated donors (n = 13). I Distribution of global MBC subsets in PBMC and BAL based on the expression of IgD and IgM in uninfected vaccinated and infected, vaccinated donors together (n = 18). Homologous vaccination with ChAdOX1_S or mRNA vaccine is depicted with an open or close circle, respectively and heterologous vaccination with semi-full circle. Data are presented as median values and interquartile ranges (IQRs). Statistical differences were determined by Kruskal–Wallis test following correction for multiple comparisons (B–D), two-sided Mann–Whitney U test (E–G) and two-sided Wilcoxon’s paired test (H, I). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.