Table 1.
Comparative overview of the educational units (1–102) by month (SEPTEMBER–MAY).
Regular PE Program | Alternative PE Program |
SEPTEMBER: 1. Elementary games of choice by students; 2. throwing and catching the ball in various ways; 3. walking and running at different paces; 4. fast running with a change of position from various starting positions; 5. fast running; 6. fast running for 40 m from various starting positions; 7. endurance running in nature; 8. long jump from a marked take-off point; 9. long jump; 10. endurance running in nature; 11. long jump from a marked take-off point; 12. skipping rope in pairs; 13. the elementary games including fast running. OCTOBER: 14. Throwing a ball for distance; 15. throwing a ball at a moving target; 16. walking and running at different paces; 17. elementary games with shooting at moving targets; 18. the elementary game between two fires; 19. high jump of 1 m; 20. lifting and carrying a third person on a pole; 21. high jumps with a soft landing at a height of 1 m; 22. the elementary game between two fires; 23. dribbling a ball with one hand while running straight; 24. dribbling a ball while running with one hand; 25. rolling a hoop in a circle and zigzagging; 26. dribbling a ball with one hand while running; 27. rolling a hoop in a circle and zigzagging. NOVEMBER: 28. Crawling on the belly, on the side, and on the back while bypassing obstacles; 29. elementary games for developing abilities; 30. crawling in different ways while bypassing obstacles and carrying light objects; 31. high jump with a straight approach; 32. high jump with a straight approach; 33. pulling and pushing in pairs across a line; 34. high jump with a straight approach up to 50 m high; 35. pulling and pushing in pairs; 36. passing a ball in pairs while running; 37. passing a ball in pairs while running; 38. passing a ball while running in columns, rows, and circles. DECEMBER: 39. Pulling in a circle while holding hands (skipping rope); 40. crawling and climbing on ladders and through windows; 41. pulling and pushing a rope in a square shape; 42. forward roll from a squat to a squat; 43. forward roll from a squat to a squat; 44. aesthetic body shaping—exercise for the shoulder girdle and arms; 45. forward roll from a squat to a squat; 46. free composition on the floor; 47. aesthetic body shaping; 48. “The White Vine Has Bent”—a children’s dance; 49. “The White Vine Has Bent”—a children’s dance; 50. aesthetic body shaping and the continued practice of folk dance; 51. aesthetic body shaping and the continued practice of folk dance. JANUARY: 52. Elementary games fostering collaborative relationships; 53. rhythmic movement emphasizing individual parts of the 2/4 and 4/4 beats; 54. walking in a group forward and backward with a cone on a low beam; 55. walking in a group on a low beam with half and full turns; 56. relay games with elements of agility and balance. FEBRUARY: 57. Walking in a group on a low beam; 58. pulling and pushing a third person on a sled; 59. rhythmic movement in circles, zigzags, and their combination; 60. pulling and pushing a third person on a sled; 61. dance steps, the gallop, straddle, and forward–backward; 62. free composition on a low beam; 63. free improvisation with a galloping step; 64. free composition on a low beam; 65. the elementary game “Remember the Objects”; 66. lifting and carrying a third person on a pole; 67. ball- bouncing “volleyball” in a circle. MARCH: 68. Lifting and carrying a third person on poles; 69. ball-bouncing “volleyball” with a partner; 70. crossing from apparatus to apparatus; 71. exercises with pole manipulation while in pairs; 72. crossing from an apparatus to an object; 73. folk dance from Serbia; 74. the elementary game “volleyball” by bouncing; 75. folk dance; 76. folk dance; 77. running in nature at a varying pace; 78. jumping over a short rope while running; 79. jumping over a short rope while running; 80. “rim” running. APRIL: 81. Climbing ropes using ropes and ladders; 82. climbing ropes using ropes and ladders; 83. front vault, over knee height; 84. walking on stilts forward–backward and sideways; 85. front vault, over knee height; 86. climbing ropes, using ropes and sailor ladders; 87. “Between Four Fires,” an elementary game; 88. climbing ropes using ropes and ladders; 89. fast running for 40 m; 90. obstacle course with tasks—jumping, climbing, and crawling. MAY: 91. Fast running for 40 m; 92. elementary games of choice by the students; 93. hurdle race; 94. kicking a ball with the foot; 95. standing long jump; 96. passing under a long rope in groups; 97. the elementary game between two and four fires; 98. jumping over a long rope in groups; 99. fast running for 40 m; 100. lifting and carrying a third person on logs; 101. jumping over a long rope in groups; 102. elementary games. | SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER: 1–27. The alternative PE program is identical to the regular PE program. NOVEMBER: 28. Forward roll; 29. forward roll; 30. backward roll; 31. backward roll; 32. forward roll; 33. forward roll; 34. high jump with a straight approach; 35. high jump with a straight approach; 36. high jump with a straight approach; 37. basic elements of dance techniques and their rhythmic structures; 38. basic elements of dance techniques and their rhythmic structures. DECEMBER: 39. Basic elements of dance techniques and their rhythmic structures; 40. Branko’s circle dance; 41. Branko’s circle dance; 42. King’s circle dance; 43. King’s circle dance; 44. pulling in a circle holding hands; 45. pulling and pushing in a square shape; 46. aesthetic body shaping—exercise for the shoulder girdle; 47. aesthetic body shaping; 48. “The White Vine Has Bent”—a children’s dance; 49. “The White Vine Has Bent”—a children’s dance; 50. aesthetic body shaping and the continued practice of folk dance; 51. rhythmic movement emphasizing the individual parts of the 2/4 and 4/4 beats. JANUARY: 52. Frog jump; 53. frog jump; 54. handstand; 55. handstand; 56. walking on a low beam. FEBRUARY: 57. Walking on a low beam; 58. frog jump, handstand, and walking on a low beam; 59. “Moravac” dance 1, 2; 60. “Moravac” dance 1, 2; 61. “Kačerac” dance basics; 62. “Kačerac” dance basics; 63. free composition on a low beam; 64. free composition on a low beam; 65. the elementary game “Remember the Objects”; 66. lifting and carrying a third person on a pole; 67. English waltz basics. MARCH: 68. English waltz basics; 69. English waltz right turn; 70. English waltz right turn; 71. exercises with pole manipulation while in pairs; 72. jumping over a short rope while running; 73. jumping over a short rope while running; 74. “I Planted Flax” (folk dance); 75. “I Planted Flax” (folk dance); 76. “I Planted Watermelon” (folk dance); 77. “I Planted Watermelon” (folk dance); 78. forward roll; 79. backward roll; 80. frog jump. APRIL: 81. Handstand; 82. “Early Quinces” (folk dance); 83. “Early Quinces” (folk dance); 84. “Kolo Vodi Vasa” (folk dance); 85. “Kolo Vodi Vasa” (folk dance); 86. folk dances; 87. Spinko waltz 2; 88. Spinko waltz 2; 89. social games; 90. exercises in pairs. MAY: 91. Fast running for 40 m; 92. elementary games of choice by the students; 93. hurdle race; 94. kicking a ball with the foot; 95. standing long jump; 96. passing under a long rope in groups; 97. the elementary games between two and four fires; 98. jumping over a long rope in groups; 99. fast running for 40 m; 100. lifting and carrying a third person on logs; 101. jumping over a long rope in groups; 102. elementary games. |