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. 2023 Oct 14;14(10):1940. doi: 10.3390/genes14101940

Table 1.

Summary of clinical features of patients with DOCK3 mutations.

Patient DOCK3 Variant Reference Sex Age at Evaluation Birth History Family History Developmental Milestones Growth (%) Dysmorphic Features Congenital Anomalies Studies Prior to Diagnosis
P1 del3:50789040- 51247265/c.382C>T [10] F 12 years Born at 42 weeks gestation Similarly affected sibling Severe Developmental Delay, walked at 5
years, unstable crouched, ataxic gait, non-
verbal, and not toilet trained at 12y
WT = 25;
Ht = 15;
HC = 75
Prominent chin, high arched
palate, malocclusion, long
None Normal metabolic screen, EEG, BEAR, brain MRI
P2 del3:50789040- 51247265/c.382C>T [10] M 11 years Born at 41 weeks gestation Similarly affected sibling Walked at 2.5 years, first word at 4 years, single words at TOE, unstable, ataxic gait Wt = 40; Ht = 8; HC = 30 Pointed chin, down slanting palpebral fissures, long face None None
P3 homozygous del. 3:51,062,402–51,232,768  [12] M 28 months NR Parents are first cousins Started sitting at 14 months, walked at 22 months, unsteady gait, few specific words at TOE, Bayley score <50 (at TOE) Wt = 4; Ht = 5; HC = 14 Epicanthal folds, up-turned nasal tip, prominent cheeks None Brain MRI-dysmorphic Corpus Callosum, ECHO-normal
P4 c.1038-2A>G:IVS12- 2A>G/c.3107_3110delACTT [13] M 5 years Born at 37 weeks gestation Unremarkable Started walking at 36 months, 5-10 single words at 5 Wt ≥ 99; Ht = 66; HC = 85 Broad forehead, deep set, hooded eyes TE fistula with esophageal atresia, vertebral anomalies, rib anomalies, single
Negative microarray, brain MRI- shallow sulci, hypoplastic white matter, spine MRI-syrinx, abnormal EEG
P5 c.1175G>A/c.3887A>G [13] M 5.5 years Full term Unremarkable Was able to sit at 30 months, walked at 48 months, non-verbal, autism, unprovoked laughter, hypotonia Wt = 50; Ht = 25; HC = 7 Brachicephaly, plagiocephaly, prominent philtrum Phimosis Brain MRI-diminished white matter, hypoplastic CC, negative macroarray, UBE3A, MECP2,
P6 c.5020A>T/5020A>T [13] F 3 years born at 35 weeks gestation, feeding difficulties NR Walked at 18 months, and said the first word at 15 months, but then lost her speech, autism Wt ≥ 99; Ht ≥ 99; HC ≥ 99 Macrocephaly, frontal bossing Spina bifida Brain MRI-resolved Chiari malformation, negative CMA, PTEN, FXS