Gas-phase products from cyclohexene experiments. Panel
A: Normalized
mass spectrometric signal of products formed in the GUV222 irradiation (base conditions), O3-only, and low-light
experiments (see Section S3.5 for calculations
and Figure S5 for other experimental conditions).
Signals are integrated from t = 250–2500 s,
normalized to the total integrated ion signal, and grouped by carbon
number (nC). In all cases, products are dominated by C6H10O2 (the major cyclohexene + OH reaction
product) and C6H10O3 (the major cyclohexene
+ O3 product). Panel B: The ratio of the C6H10O2-to-C6H10O3 signals vs the ratio of the rates of OH and O3 oxidation,
for all cyclohexene experiments. Concentrations of OH are determined
from the fits in Figure 2, while concentrations of O3 are measured directly. The
dashed line is a linear fit to the data; since the two products have
differing sensitivities in the instrument, this differs from the 1:1
line. Error bars represent the range of values observed throughout
the experiment.