Effects of ventilation and GUV222 fluence rate on modeled
GUV efficacy and indoor air quality (see also Figures S9–S12). Panel A: effective air changes per
hour (eACH) for indoor pathogens, based on the previously reported
inactivation rate of SARS-CoV-2 at 222 nm45 (Section S4.2). Panels B–D: steady-state
concentrations of (B) O3, (C) OH, and (D) organic oxidation
products, respectively, as predicted by the photochemical box model.
Panel D calculations assume unit yields and do not account for VOC
production from surfaces (see Figure S11) or recycling by NOx–HOx interactions (Figure S12), so they likely represent lower limits. Lighter colors represent
larger values; note that the logarithmic color scaling is different
for each panel. Additional model results are given in Figures S9 and S10.