Table 2.
Hyperacusis assessment within the selected studies. VAS = Visual Analogue Scale; MASH = Multiple-Activity Scale for Hyperacusis; THI = Tinnitus Handicap Inventory Test; TSCH = Tinnitus sample case history; PTA = Pure tone audiometry; OAE = Otoacoustic emission; SAT = Speech audiometry test; IT = Immittance test.
TEST | Guimarães et al. [16] | Fioretti et al. [17] | Dauman et al. [6] | Magalhães et al. [18] |
Questionnaire | VAS |
- |
Audiological evaluation | PTA SAT IT |
Clinical assessment Other | Neurologic; ENT- | ENT- | -- | ENT Laboratory tests |
Hyperacusis Grading | VAS from 1 to 10: Hyperacusis present in 57 (18.4%) patients at an intensity ranging from 1 to 10 and a median of 5. |
TSCH 20 patients (54%) reported hyperacusis (grading not provided). |
5 groups based on annoyance score
Results | The presence of hyperacusis more frequent in the male gender; 31 (22.4%) men and 26 (15.3%) women.There was no statistically significant difference between genders (p = 0.12). | No statistically significant differences between genders according to THI scores TSCH
Comparable prevalence in both genders: males (80.5%; 116/144); females (77.1%; 81/105). Improvement over time is better for Hyperacusis (19/30; 63.3%), than for tinnitus (15/32); 46.8%). |
Women are affected more often than men. Tinnitus preceded hyperacusis as a complaint in 78% of the subjects. No direct correlation between the severity of tinnitus and of hyperacusis |