Table 5.
The effect of JA on heavy metals in rice.
Treatement | Application | Concentration | Effects | References |
As (III) | Exogenous MeJA | 0.25 μM | Enhanced biomass and chlorophyll content and increased antioxidant enzyme activities, decreased accumulation of total AsIII content (root + shoot) and modulated JA signaling pathway genes downstream (OsCOI, OsJAZ3, OsMYC2) | [68] |
Cd (50 μM) | methyl jasmonate | 5 μM | Enhanced Cd-tolerance and antioxidant response, lowered Cd uptake, an improved membrane integrity and ‘switching on’ of the JA-biosynthesis by lipoxygenase (LOX) | [81] |
As (0, 25 and 50 µM) | MJ | (0, 0.5 and 1 µM) | Alleviated the negative effects of As toxicity and increased chlorophyll contents, biomass production, and Fe accumulation, decreased the oxidative stress by regulating ASA–GSH cycle and antioxidants. Reduced Lsi1, Lsi2, and Lsi6 expression. | [65] |
As(V) (2 μM) | Pretreatment with JA | 0.5 to 5 µM | Decreased the As concentrations in the roots and shoots, with the effect being significant for shoot As concentration | [69] |
Pb (150 and 300 µmol L−1) | MJ | 0.5 µM or 1 µM | Altered HMAs, ABCC1, PCS1 biosynthesis genes, regulated antioxidant and proline, glyoxalase system, and phytochelatins. Reduced MDA and H2O2. Immobilized Pb in root and reduced accmulation in shoot. | [80] |
As (50 μmol L−1) | MJ | 0.5 and 1 µM | Altered ABCC1, GSH1, PCS genes, antioxidative biosynthesis genes, glyoxalase regulated genes and MJ regulated the expression of ABCC1, HMAs, PCS1, and two genes for As sequestration. MJ also upregulated antioxidant and proline biosynthesis genes and downregulated MDA, MG, and H2O2 expression | [65] |
Se(IV) (25 μM) (Na2SeO3) |
MeJA | 0.1–1.0 μM | Altered OsSBP1, OsNIP2;1, OsPT2, and low concentration of MJ depressed the gene expression of OsPt2 and OsNIP2;1 in roots and OsSBP1, OsCS, OsNIP2;1, and OsPT2 in shoot to hinder Se uptake | [56] |
Aluminium (0.5 and 1 mM L−1) | MJ | 0.5 and 1 µM | Altered ABCC1, GSH1, and PCS and MJ upregulated the expression of ABCC1, GSH1, and PCS for Al sequestration in the vacuole | [79] |
As (III) (25 mM L−1) | MJ | 0.5 and 1 µM | Improved chlorophyll metabolism, phytochelatins, and glutathione. Altered OsCOI, OsMYC2, OsJAZ3, OsINT5, OsLsi6, OsNIP3;1, OsLsi1;2, OsNIP1;1, OsABCC2, OsNRAMP1, and OsPCS2 and MJ treatment downregulated AsIII absorption (OsNIP1;1 OsNIP1;3, OsLsi1 and OsLsi2), translocation (OsINT5 and OsLsi6) and detoxification (OsABCC2, OsNRAMP1, and OsPCS2) genes to cope up As toxicity | [68] |
As(V) (25 uM) | - | - | Five JA biosynthesis genes (OsDAD1;2, OsLOX2;1, OsAOS2, OaAIM1 and OsJAR1;2) and six JA signaling genes were up regulated | [33] |
Antimony (10 to 50 mg L−1) | - | - | Significantly increased methyl jasmonate in rice roots for reducing the toxic effects | [66] |
Vanadium (1 mM) | - | - | Jasmonate ZIM domain family was upregulated and expression of jasmonic acid hormone signaling pathways (6 genes) and biosynthesis (3 genes) increased | [28] |