FIG. 1.
Initial rates of uptake (V) of undissociated acetic acid (as a function of concentration) by glucose-grown cells of S. cerevisiae IGC 4072 at pH 6.0 in the absence of ethanol (•) or in the presence of ethanol at a concentration of 0.52 M (○), 1.19 M (▪), or 1.72 M (□). (Insert) Dependence on ethanol concentration of the diffusion constants (μdif) calculated from the slopes, which increased exponentially in accordance with the following equation: μdifx = μdif0ekdifenh[x], where μdifx and μdif0 are the values of the diffusion constants at ethanol concentrations of x and zero, respectively, and kdifenh is an exponential constant that expresses the exponential enhancement of acid influx by the alcohol.