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. 2023 Oct 11;15(20):4332. doi: 10.3390/nu15204332

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of pregnancy according to the quartiles of dietary protein intake a (n(%)).

Characteristic Total (n = 1071) Protein Intake Quartiles p-Value b
Q1 (n = 268) Q2 (n = 267) Q3 (n = 269) Q4 (n = 267)
Age (years) 30.90 ± 3.93 30.37 ± 4.06 30.99 ± 3.63 31.06 ± 4.00 31.16 ± 4.02 0.086
Pre-pregnancy BMI 22.42 ± 3.82 22.85 ± 3.79 22.25 ± 3.69 22.13 ± 3.57 22.46 ± 4.18 0.140
Ethnicity 0.369
   Han 1052 (98.2) 260 (97.0) 264 (98.9) 265 (98.5) 263 (98.5)
   Other 19 (1.8) 8 (3.0) 3 (1.1) 4 (1.5) 4 (1.5)
Marital Status 0.193
   Married 1059 (98.9) 264 (98.5) 267 (100.0) 266 (98.9) 262 (98.1)
   Unmarried or other 12 (1.1) 4 (1.5) 0 (0.0) 3 (1.1) 5 (1.9)
Annual household income (CNY) 0.190
   <50,000 159 (14.9) 50 (18.7) 33 (12.4) 37 (13.8) 39 (14.6)
   50,000~99,900 369 (34.5) 99 (37.1) 96 (36.0) 81 (30.1) 93 (34.8)
   100,000~199,900 387 (36.2) 90 (33.7) 93 (34.8) 107 (39.8) 97 (36.3)
   ≥200,000 155 (14.5) 28 (10.5) 45 (16.9) 44 (16.4) 38 (14.2)
Education status 0.826
   Middle school and below 176 (16.4) 50 (18.7) 46 (17.2) 42 (15.6) 38 (14.2)
   High school or technical secondary college 223 (20.8) 58 (21.6) 52 (19.5) 58 (21.6) 55 (20.6)
   Junior college or regular college 672 (62.7) 160 (59.7) 169 (63.3) 169 (62.8) 174 (65.2)
Working Status 0.296
   Brain-based work 585 (54.6) 134 (50.0) 159 (59.6) 144 (53.5) 148 (55.4)
   Physical-based work 69 (6.4) 18 (6.7) 13 (4.9) 16 (5.9) 22 (8.2)
   Currently not working 417 (38.9) 116 (43.3) 95 (35.6) 109 (40.5) 97 (36.3)
Smoking 0.266
   Yes 40 (3.7) 14 (5.2) 7 (2.6) 7 (2.6) 12 (4.5)
   No 1031 (96.3) 254 (94.8) 260 (97.4) 262 (97.4) 255 (95.5)
Drinking 0.024
   Yes 172 (16.1) 58 (21.6) 42 (15.7) 39 (14.5) 33 (12.4)
   No 899 (83.9) 210 (78.4) 225 (84.3) 230 (85.5) 234 (87.6)
Age of menarche (years) 0.801
   8~11 33 (3.1) 7 (2.6) 13 (4.9) 8 (3.0) 5 (1.9)
   12 207 (19.3) 58 (21.6) 48 (18.0) 53 (19.7) 48 (18.0)
   13 289 (27.0) 68 (25.4) 76 (28.5) 68 (25.3) 77 (28.8)
   14 257 (24.0) 64 (23.9) 64 (24.0) 62 (23.0) 67 (25.1)
   ≥15 285 (26.6) 71 (26.5) 66 (24.7) 78 (29.0) 70 (26.2)
Conception Season <0.001
   Spring 287 (26.8) 92 (34.3) 84 (31.5) 71 (26.4) 40 (15.0)
   Autumn 166 (15.5) 53 (19.8) 50 (18.7) 41 (15.2) 22 (8.2)
   Summer 154 (14.4) 30 (11.2) 31 (11.6) 34 (12.6) 59 (22.1)
   Winter 464 (43.3) 93 (34.7) 102 (38.2) 123 (45.7) 146 (54.7)
Adverse maternal history 0.069
   No 922 (86.1) 242 (90.3) 230 (86.1) 230 (85.5) 220 (82.4)
   Yes 149 (13.9) 26 (9.7) 37 (13.9) 39 (14.5) 47 (17.6)
Family history of diabetes 0.236
   No 792 (73.9) 195 (72.8) 209 (78.3) 192 (71.4) 196 (73.4)
   Yes 228 (21.3) 56 (20.9) 50 (18.7) 60 (22.3) 62 (23.2)
   Unclear 51 (4.8) 17 (6.3) 8 (3.0) 17 (6.3) 9 (3.4)
Family history of cardiovascular disease 0.656
   No 833 (77.8) 209 (78.0) 201 (75.3) 218 (81.0) 205 (76.8)
   Yes 175 (16.3) 41 (15.3) 50 (18.7) 36 (13.4) 48 (18.0)
   Unclear 63 (5.9) 18 (6.7) 16 (6.0) 15 (5.6) 14 (5.2)
Physical activity 0.007
   Low 211 (19.7) 52 (19.4) 59 (22.1) 52 (19.3) 48 (18.0)
   Medium 562 (52.5) 119 (44.4) 146 (54.7) 140 (52.0) 157 (58.8)
   High 298 (27.8) 97 (36.2) 62 (23.2) 77 (28.6) 62 (23.2)
Sleep quality 0.141
   Excellent 19 (1.8) 2 (0.7) 6 (2.2) 6 (2.2) 5 (1.9)
   Good 129 (12.0) 34 (12.7) 37 (13.9) 38 (14.1) 20 (7.5)
   Average 923 (86.2) 232 (86.6) 224 (83.6) 225 (83.6) 242 (90.6)

a Continuous variables are presented as the mean ± SD; categorical variables are presented as the n (%). BMI, body mass index. b p-values are from ANOVA for continuous data and from chi-square tests for categorical data.