Figure 6.
Camptothecin and etoposide treatments increase IDLV viral genome integration into cellular DNA. Cells were treated for one hour with either vehicle, 2.5 μM of CPT or 50 μM of Eto, and then transduced with equal amounts of IDLV or ICLV (250 μL/well in 12-well plate format). Nucleic acids were extracted from cell lysates 48 h later. (A) Quantitation of total integration events in 50 pg of total cellular DNA. (B) Representation of number of integration events relative to vehicle control condition for each of the lentiviruses. Data displayed in graphs are the mean values and standard deviation of three independent experiments performed in triplicates (n = 9). Since all data were normally distributed, they were analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s post-hoc test. Statistical information is shown above each graph. Dunnett´s test was used to determine the statistical significance in pairwise comparisons (n.s.: not significant; * p < 0.05; *** p < 0.001).