Fig. 3. Tissue immune-microenvironment correlates assessed pre- and post-treatment with immunotherapy using RareCyte Inc. for the patient with colon cancer.
A Residual tumor at the tip (colonic mucosa) post-treatment: Invasive margin separates normal colon from the adenocarcinoma and an ulcer. “Inside-out” (serosa-to-mucosa) pattern of regression is evident after treatment with the residual tumor only remaining within the mucosa and superficial submucosa; final path pT1aN0, as opposed to earlier at least T2N1 tumor in this first patient (Patient 1). B, C Extensive immune infiltration post-treatment: The section shows extensive expansion & infiltration of CD3+ T-cells (B) confined to the tumor area in comparison to the adjacent normal colonic tissue after treatment. T-cells surround the tumor cells and extend deep into the muscle layer and the serosal layer. Crohn’s-like reaction is present with many CD20+ B-cells (C) forming follicles specifically in the tumor area & extending into the deeper muscularis propria and serosa (Patient 1). D, E Immune Proliferation (comparison pre- and post-treatment): Ki67 proliferation index for immune cells is markedly increased in the post-treatment surgical resection specimen (58%) compared to the pre-treatment biopsy specimen (23%), especially for T-cells (Patient 1). F, G T-cell density (comparison pre- and post-treatment): T cell density (including all T cell subsets) within the tumor increased dramatically with treatment (1398.4/mm2 for resection vs 190.7/mm2 for biopsy). Treg density also increased (411.0/mm2 for resection vs 56.1/mm2 for biopsy). However, the ratio of Treg to effector T helper cells in the tumor decreased (36% for resection vs 55% for biopsy) (Patient 1).