a Schematic of pAAV2/9-CaMKIIα-EGFP-2A-Tmem74-3FLAG (AAV-Tmem74) constructs and representative images of EGFP (green) and CaMKIIα (red) after AAV-Tmem74 injection to PL. b Representative immunoblotting band of Flag from PL after AAV-EGFP or AAV-TMEM74 injection to PL in WT and Tmem74−/− mice. c–h Quantification of the grooming time (c, n = 10 WT + AAV-EGFP mice, n = 12 Tmem74−/−+AAV-EGFP mice, n = 11 WT + AAV-Tmem74 mice, n = 12 Tmem74−/−+AAV-Tmem74 mice), the percentage of buried marble (d, n = 11 WT + AAV-EGFP mice, n = 11 Tmem74−/−+AAV-EGFP mice, n = 11 WT + AAV-Tmem74 mice, n = 13 Tmem74−/−+AAV-Tmem74 mice), the interaction time (e) and the sociability preference index (f) with S1 mouse in the phase 2, and the time spent interacting (g) and social novelty index (h) with novel S2 in the phase 3 of three-chamber tests (n = 9 WT + AAV-EGFP mice, n = 10 Tmem74−/−+AAV-EGFP mice, n = 9 WT + AAV-Tmem74 mice, n = 13 Tmem74−/−+AAV-Tmem74 mice) after AAV-EGFP or AAV-TMEM74 injection to PL. i, j Quantification of the time in central zone (i) and the entries of central zone (j) (n = 11 WT + AAV-EGFP mice, n = 10 Tmem74−/−+AAV-EGFP mice, n = 9 WT + AAV-Tmem74 mice, n = 11 Tmem74-/-+AAV-Tmem74 mice) in the open field test. k, l Quantification of the time spent in open arms (k) and number of entries to open arms (l) (n = 10 WT + AAV-EGFP mice, n = 10 Tmem74−/−+AAV-EGFP mice, n = 10 WT + AAV-Tmem74 mice, n = 11 Tmem74−/−+AAV-Tmem74 mice) in the elevated plus maze. Data were presented as means ± SEM. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001; ns not significant. One-way ANOVA followed by Tukeyʼs post hoc test for c, d, h and i–l; One-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s post hoc test for f; Two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s post hoc test for e; Two-way ANOVA followed by Sidak’s post hoc test for g.