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. 2023 Oct 27;14:6774. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-42342-y

Fig. 7. Overexpression of UbcE2M in the muscles suppresses the longevity and motility defects of Drosophila Naa30A deletion.

Fig. 7

a, b Accumulation of aggregate-like polyubiquitinated protein structures in muscles. Indirect flight muscles (IFM) from (a) young (0–3 days) and (b) old (28–31 days) males with the indicated genotypes. F-actin (red) and polyubiquitin (green). Scale bar, 10 μm. c Aggregate density (aggregate/mm2) as shown in a and b. Results are mean ± SEM. Each data point represents the aggregate density observed in a muscle fiber isolated from a male individual. d No correlation between the motility defects and aggregate density. Left panel: each data point represents the average climbing ability after 10 technical replicates of ~10 males (7–10 days). Two groups for each genotype were analyzed, mean ± SEM is indicated. Right panel: aggregate density (aggregate/mm2) in muscle fibers isolated from the males used in the climbing assay (left panel). Each data point represents the aggregate density observed in a muscle fiber isolated from a male individual. e Developmental defects of flight muscles. Left panel: IFMs stained for F-actin (red) and nuclei (green). Scale bar, 50 μm. *marks individual IFM. Right panel: Number of IFMs at the indicated ages. Data show the number of IFM per hemithorax. Mean ± SEM is indicated. f Developmental defects are rescued by UbcE2M overexpression in muscles. Number of IFMs in males in the indicated genotypes. Data show IFM per hemithorax and are dissected from 7 to 10 days old males. Mean ± SEM is indicated. g Overexpression of UbcE2M in the muscles suppresses the motility defects. Data show the average climbing ability after 10 technical replicates of a group of 10 males with 7–10 days, mean ± SEM is indicated. h Overexpression of UbcE2M in the muscles partially suppresses the adult longevity defects in Naa30A deletion. *p = 0.0455, ***p = 0.0005, log-rank test, n > 50). i UbcE2M overexpression does not suppress the accumulation of aggregate-like structures. Aggregate density (aggregate/mm2) observed in muscle fibers isolated from 0 to 3 days old Naa30A deletion males. Results are mean ± SEM and each data point represents a muscle fiber from a male individual. cg, i Statistical significance was assessed using the one-way ANOVA with Šídák’s multiple comparisons and male specimens collected from two independent crosses. All indicated ages are after pupae eclosion. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.