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. 2023 Sep 25;30(49):108274–108287. doi: 10.1007/s11356-023-29688-y

Table 1.

Characteristics of study participants, NHANES 2007–2012

Characteristics PRISm
(n = 671)
Normal spirometry (n = 7653) p-Value
(PRISm vs
Normal spirometry)
Obstructive spirometry (n = 1232) p-Value
(PRISm vs
Obstructive spirometry)
  Age group  < 0.0001  < 0.0001
    < 30 y 109 (16.24) 2060 (26.92) 71 (5.76)
    30–39 y 96 (14.31) 1535 (20.06) 111 (9.01)
    40–49 y 120 (17.88) 1460 (19.08) 181 (14.69)
    50–59 y 149 (22.21) 1142 (14.92) 272 (22.08)
    60–69 y 137 (20.42) 971 (12.69) 330 (26.79)
    70–79 y 60 (8.94) 485 (6.34) 267 (21.67)
  Sex 0.6542  < 0.0001
    Female 333 (49.63) 3867 (50.53) 431 (34.98)
    Male 338 (50.37) 3786 (49.47) 801 (65.02)
  Race/ethnicity  < 0.0001  < 0.0001
    Non-Hispanic White 107 (15.95) 1777 (23.22) 115 (9.33)
    Non-Hispanic Black 318 (47.39) 3796 (49.60) 821 (66.64)
    Mexican American 246 (36.66) 2080 (27.18) 296 (24.03)
  BMI (kg/m2)  < 0.0001  < 0.0001
    < 18.5 (underweight) 20 (2.99) 96 (1.26) 30 (2.44)
    18.5–24.9 (normal weight) 110 (16.44) 2089 (27.31) 412 (33.50)
    25–29.9 (overweight) 158 (23.62) 2556 (33.42) 445 (36.18)
    ≥ 30 (obese) 381 (56.95) 2907 (38.01) 343 (27.89)
    Missing 2 5 2
  Educational level  < 0.0001 0.8612
    Primary school and less 65 (10.19) 637 (8.93) 123 (10.12)
    Middle and high school 299 (46.87) 2712 (38.01) 555 (45.64)
    College and higher 274 (42.95) 3786 (53.06) 538 (44.24)
    Missing 33 518 16
  PIR  < 0.0001 0.0024
    < 1.85 340 (53.71) 3144 (44.55) 530 (46.21)
    ≥ 1.85 293 (46.29) 3914 (55.45) 617 (53.79)
    Missing 38 595 85
  Health insurance coverage 0.1441 0.0085
    No 173 (25.82) 2176 (28.47) 253 (20.55)
    Yes 497 (74.18) 5467 (71.53) 978 (79.45)
    Missing 1 10 1
  Sedentary activity 0.0131 0.0357
    < 3 h 120 (17.91) 1584 (20.72) 217 (17.66)
    3-6 h 231 (34.48) 2861 (37.43) 494 (40.20)
    ≥ 6 h 319 (47.61) 3198 (41.84) 518 (42.15)
    Missing 1 10 3
Exposure history
  Smoking status  < 0.0001  < 0.0001
    Never smoker 303 (47.49) 4143 (58.09) 339 (27.88)
    Former smoker 160 (25.08) 1470 (20.61) 395 (32.48)
    Current smoker 175 (27.43) 1519 (21.30) 482 (39.64)
    Missing 33 521 16
  Smoking exposure (pack-years)  < 0.0001  < 0.0001
    0 303 (48.79) 4143 (59.59) 339 (28.80)
    < 10 105 (16.91) 1571 (22.60) 229 (19.46)
    ≥ 10 213 (34.30) 1238 (17.81) 609 (51.74)
    Median (IQR) 16.9 (28.03) 7.6 (16.8) 22 (34)
    Missing 50 701 55
  Passive smoking 0.8658 0.9268
    No 204 (84.30) 2941 (83.88) 363 (84.03)
    Yes 38 (15.70) 565 (16.12) 69 (15.97)
    Missing 429 4147 800
  Smokers living in the home  < 0.0001 0.0622
    0 158 (47.88) 2541 (66.92) 251 (39.97)
    1–2 153 (46.36) 1102 (29.02) 337 (53.66)
    ≥ 3 19 (5.76) 154 (4.06) 40 (6.37)
    Missing 341 3856 604
  Mineral dusts 0.1995 0.0033
    No 419 (65.78) 4991 (68.25) 711 (58.76)
    Yes 218 (34.22) 2322 (31.75) 499 (41.24)
    Missing 34 340 22
  Organic dusts 0.4042 0.0410
    No 483 (75.82) 5657 (77.27) 868 (71.38)
    Yes 154 (24.18) 1664 (22.73) 348 (28.62)
    Missing 34 332 16
  Fumes from machinery or engines 0.4509  < 0.0001
    No 487 (76.33) 5492 (74.99) 780 (64.09)
    Yes 151 (23.67) 1832 (25.01) 437 (35.91)
    Missing 33 329 15
  Any other gases, vapors or fumes 0.4071 0.0034
    No 426 (66.77) 5007 (68.36) 728 (59.82)
    Yes 212 (33.23) 2317 (31.64) 489 (40.18)
    Missing 33 329 15
Medical history/Comorbidities
  Emphysema, bronchitis or asthma during childhood 0.0013 0.1292
    No 475 (70.79) 5842 (76.34) 912 (74.03)
    Yes 196 (29.21) 1811 (23.66) 320 (25.97)
  Emphysema 0.0004 0.0012
    No 628 (98.28) 7097 (99.45) 1153 (95.29)
    Yes 11 (1.72) 39 (0.55) 57 (4.71)
    Missing 32 517 22
  Chronic bronchitis  < 0.0001 0.4515
    No 586 (91.85) 6864 (96.24) 1096 (90.80)
    Yes 52 (8.15) 268 (3.76) 111 (9.20)
    Missing 33 521 25
  Asthma  < 0.0001 0.0684
    No 548 (81.67) 6735 (88.07) 961 (78.13)
    Yes 123 (18.33) 912 (11.93) 269 (21.87)
    Missing 0 6 2
  Close relative had asthma 0.0578 0.0826
    No 506 (76.67) 6019 (79.77) 962 (80.10)
    Yes 154 (23.33) 1526 (20.23) 239 (19.90)
    Missing 11 108 31
  Hypertension  < 0.0001 0.5455
    No 394 (58.98) 5638 (73.73) 709 (57.55)
    Yes 274 (41.02) 2009 (26.27) 523 (42.45)
    Missing 3 6 0
  Coronary heart disease  < 0.0001 0.3840
    No 602 (94.80) 7008 (98.29) 1135 (93.80)
    Yes 33 (5.20) 122 (1.71) 75 (6.20)
    Missing 36 523 22
  Heart failure  < 0.0001 0.7058
    No 608 (95.75) 7052 (98.91) 1152 (95.36)
    Yes 27 (4.25) 78 (1.09) 56 (4.64)
    Missing 36 523 24
  Stroke  < 0.0001 0.6390
    No 613 (95.93) 7015 (98.40) 1157 (95.46)
    Yes 26 (4.07) 114 (1.60) 55 (4.54)
    Missing 32 524 20
  Diabetes  < 0.0001 0.0004
    No 527 (80.34) 6905 (91.77) 1044 (86.57)
    Yes 129 (19.66) 619 (8.23) 162 (13.43)
    Missing 15 129 26
Symptoms (≥ 40 y)
  Chronic cough 0.0017 0.0316
    No 410 (87.98) 3737 (92.20) 879 (83.71)
    Yes 56 (12.02) 316 (7.80) 171 (16.29)
Missing 205 3600 182
  Coughing phlegm 0.0014 0.0049
    No 420 (90.13) 3811 (93.96) 890 (84.76)
    Yes 46 (9.87) 245 (6.04) 160 (15.24)
    Missing 205 3597 182
  Wheezing  < 0.0001 0.0117
    No 535 (79.73) 6851 (89.61) 919 (74.59)
    Yes 136 (20.27) 794 (10.39) 313 (25.41)
  Shortness of breath  < 0.0001 0.0619
    No 256 (54.94) 2984 (73.61) 630 (60.06)
   Yes 210 (45.06) 1070 (26.39) 419 (39.94)
    Missing 205 3599 183
  Lung function
    FEV1% predicted 72.80 ± 6.68 100.69 ± 11.39  < 0.0001 80.02 ± 17.68  < 0.0001
    FVC % predicted 77.07 ± 14.42 104.31 ± 17.87  < 0.0001 102.58 ± 21.49  < 0.0001
    FEV1/FVC 0.78 ± 0.06 0.81 ± 0.06  < 0.0001 0.63 ± 0.07  < 0.0001
  Serum heavy metals (μg/L)
    Cadmium 0.65 ± 0.74 0.47 ± 0.54  < 0.0001 0.84 ± 0.93  < 0.0001
    Lead 1.62 ± 1.81 1.51 ± 1.87 0.0003 2.12 ± 1.50  < 0.0001
    Mercury 1.39 ± 2.16 1.37 ± 2.04 0.1294 1.33 ± 1.83 0.5378

Results are shown as N (%) for binary variables, and as mean ± standard deviation (SD) for continuous variables. BMI, body mass index; PIR: poverty income ratio; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC, forced vital capacity; PRISm, preserved ratio impaired spirometry; NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey