Fig. 6. Emergence of PPC-ALM subnetwork across learning.
a Top. Hypothesis of changes in cortical network motifs across learning. Bottom. Schematic of enrichment index. b Changes in enrichment index of stimulus- (top) and choice- (bottom) encoding cells across learning (stimulus: n.s., P = 0.08; choice: **P < 0.01, n = 13 sessions from 7 mice, one-tailed bootstrap). Red crosses indicate mean ± SEM. c Relationship between enrichment index and decoding accuracy of stimulus (top) and choice (bottom) in single neurons determined by AUC analysis (stimulus: ***P < 0.001, n = 1050 and 1221 neurons from 7 mice; choice: n.s., P = 0.14 and ***P < 0.001, n = 1017 and 1154 neurons from 7 mice for naive and expert, respectively, Pearson correlation). Shaded areas represent 95% confidence intervals from the mean. d Left. Learning-related increases in enrichment index for right-preferring stimulus (top)- and choice (bottom)-encoding cells after accounting for random changes in functional coupling (Fig. S7d and e). Only pairs of regions with P < 0.05 (one-tailed bootstrap) are displayed. Right. Changes in enrichment index with respect to the location of each region. Color of solid circles indicates intra-regional enrichment index. Thickness of lines is proportional to inter-regional enrichment index. e Schematic of activity reconstruction of target neurons following selective ablation of cell-coupling terms between source and target regions. f Session-averaged reconstructed population activity with functional coupling following targeted (blue) and control ablation (gray) of cell-coupling terms projected to the choice axis during the delay epoch (vS1: 6; RSC: 8; PPC: 9 sessions from 6 mice). Shaded area indicates mean ± SEM. g Left. Differences between choice-related population activity following targeted and control ablations averaged within the pre-action epoch (*P < 0.05, vS1: 6; RSC: 8; PPC: 9 sessions from 6 mice, one-tailed bootstrap with FDR). Error bars indicate mean ± SEM. Right, Same as left but for additional pairs of regions that showed statistically significant changes (one-tailed bootstrap).