Fig. 4. Arp2/3 complex activation by N-terminal cortactin constructs with or without dimeric N-WASP WCA.
a–c Top, Time-course of actin polymerization under the following conditions: actin alone (black), actin + Arp2/3 complex (light gray), actin + Arp2/3 complex + indicated cortactin constructs (dark gray), actin + Arp2/3 complex + GST-WWCA (magenta), actin + Arp2/3 complex + GST-WWCA + indicated cortactin constructs at increasing concentrations (darker shades represent higher concentrations as indicated). Data are shown as the average curve from three independent experiments with s.d. error bars in lighter color. Bottom, Maximum polymerization rates calculated from the polymerization curves shown on the top (n = 3). Source Data are provided as a Source Data file. The statistical significance of the measurements was calculated using an unpaired, two-tailed t-test (P-values listed in the figure; ns, non-significant). d ITC titrations of cortactin constructs Cort1-76 (left), Cort18-76 (middle), and Cort1-33 (right) into ATP-Arp2/3 complex. The experimental conditions, including temperature (T), protein concentration, and fitting parameters (stoichiometry, N and dissociation constant, KD) are indicated.