Fig. 3.
Dual-guide CRISPRi screen with SEC61β reveals genetic interactions between GET and EMC pathway components. (A) Volcano plot illustrating the phenotype for the two strongest guide RNAs versus log10 (Mann-Whitney p-values) from two independent replicates of a genome-wide screen with either non-targeting dual (NT) or EMC2-dual libraries using the SEC61β-GFP11 reporter. Individual genes are displayed in gray, core factors of the GET pathway are highlighted in green, EMC subunits are highlighted in black, while putative stabilization factors are in pink. (B) A single discriminant score was computed for each gene in the screens investigating SEC61β-GFP11 stability, representative of the average phenotype score and significance of the hit in the respective screen. This metric allows direct comparison of both NT-dual and EMC2-dual screens. (C) Comparison of genes ranked by discriminant score in NT and EMC2-dual screens