Fig. 3.
In situ evolution of Mn sites on Mn2V2O7 and MnV2O6. (A) CV curves of Mn2V2O7 and MnV2O6 in Ar-saturated 1.0 M KOH at a scan rate of 50 mV s−1, with the Inset showing Mn3+ site densities of Mn2V2O7 and MnV2O6 at ~1.20 VRHE. (B) In situ XANES spectra of Mn2V2O7 at different potentials, with the Inset showing the corresponding Mn valences. (C) In situ UV–Vis spectra of Mn2V2O7 at 0.9 VRHE and MnV2O6 at 1.0 VRHE under magnetic field (H) and with no H. (D) CV curves of Mn2V2O7 and MnV2O6 in Ar-saturated 1.0 M KOH at a scan rate of 50 mV s−1 under magnetic field (H) and with no H. The Inset schematic diagram shows that the spins in each domain of Mn2V2O7 tend to align under the external magnetic field.