Figure 1: Experimental set-up and 22Rv1 growth in huNOG mice.
A, Experimental schematic: HuNOG and NOG control mice were surgically castrated. One week following castration, castrated, castrated and enzalutamide treatment and intact control mice were injected subcutaneously with luciferase-transduced 22Rv1 human prostate cancer cells to assay organ-specific metastatic growth. Primary tumors were measured every 2–3 days until endpoint. B, Subcutaneous primary flank tumor volume growth measured over time. C, Schematic of endpoint analysis: Prior to sacrifice mice were injected with luciferin. At sacrifice, organs were exvivo analyzed for metastatic growth using the IVIS bioluminescence system PerkinElmer, images taken of signal intensity. D, Quantification of average signal intensity per unit area of bioluminescence of mouse femurs. E, Representative IVIS images of 22RV1 metastasis to femur. F, Histological validation (H&E stain) of the femoral metastases confirmed by a pathologist (Dr. Rahul Manan, MD), with cancer cells seen in both the bone marrow and matrix of the epiphyseal head of a mouse femur (yellow arrow indicates 22Rv1 tumor mass).