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. 2023 Oct 30;52(Suppl 4):iv44–iv66. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afad139

Table 1.

Measurement properties of balance assessment tools: Summary results with overall quality ratings: Summary results of measurement properties of tools with quality ratings

Instrument Reference Reliability Validity
Reliability Measurement error Internal consistency Criterion validity Hypothesis testing for construct validity
The Balance Evaluation Systems Test (BESTest) Anson, 2019 [19]
Marques, 2016 [20]
O’Hoski, 2015 [21]
Viveiro, 2019 [22]
Wang-Hsu, 2018 [23]
Yingyongyudha, 2016 [24]
ICC = 0.77–0.99 (+) MIC not defined (?) N/R r ≥ 0.70
Hypotheses confirmed
The Spanish version of the BESTest (Spanish BESTest) Dominguez-Olivan, 2020 [25] ICC = 0.97
MIC not defined (?) Criteria not met
r < 0.70
r > 0.50
The Mini-Balance Evaluation Systems Test
Anson, 2019 [19]
Marques, 2016 [20]
O’Hoski, 2015 [21]
Viveiro, 2019 [22]
Yingyongyudha, 2016 [24]
ICC = 0.71–0.99
MIC not defined (?) N/R r ≥ 0.83
(±), for discriminative validity
(+), for convergent validity
The Spanish version of the Mini-BESTest (Spanish Mini-BESTest) Dominguez-Olivan, 2020 [25] ICC = 0.79
MIC not defined (?) Criteria not met
r = 0.18
Hypothesis confirmed
The modified Clinical test of Sensory Interaction in Balance (mCTSIB) of the Balance Platform Biodex Balance System (BBS) Antoniadou, 2020 [26] ICC = 0.628
N/R N/R N/R r > 0.50
The Berg Balance Scale (BBS) Berg, 1992a [27]
Berg, 1992b [28]
Bogle Thorbahn, 1996 [29]
Harada, 1995 [30]
Holbein-Jenny, 2005 [31]
Marques, 2016 [20]
Muir, 2008 [32]
Pelicioni, 2022 [33]
Viveiro, 2019 [22]
Wang, 2006 [34]
Yingyongyudha, 2016 [24]
ICC = 0.77–0.99
MIC not defined (?) Criteria not met
Hypotheses confirmed
The Brazilian version of the Berg balance scale (Brazilian BBS) Miyamoto, 2004 [35] ICC ≥ 0.99
The Lateral Reach (LR) Test Brauer, 1999 [36] ICC = 0.999
N/R N/R r < 0.70
The Six-Spot Step Test Brincks, 2021 [37] ICC = 0.94–0.96
MIC not defined (?) N/R N/R r > 0.50
The Functional reach (FR) test Brooks, 2006 [38]
Galhardas, 2020 [39]
Giorgetti, 1998 [40]
Lin, 2004 [41]
ICC ≥ 0.73
MIC not defined (?) N/R Indeterminate
(+), for discriminative validity
(−), for convergent validity
Gait Initiation Assessment Chang, 1999 [42] N/R N/R N/R N/R Hypothesis confirmed
The modified Wii Fit balance board Chang, 2013 [43] ICC ≥ 0.93
The Stepping Threshold Test (STT) Adams, 2021 [44] N/R N/R N/R N/R Hypotheses not confirmed
The Unstable board
(DYJOC BOARD, SAKAI Medical Co., Ltd.)
Akizuki, 2018 [45] N/R N/R N/R N/R Hypothesis not confirmed
The limits of stability (LOS) test Clark, 1997 [46] ICC not reported
MIC not defined (?) N/R N/R N/R
The Four Square Step Test (FSST) Cleary, 2017 [48]
Işik, 2015 [49]
Dite, 2002 [47]
ICC ≥ 0.98
N/R N/R Inconsistent
(±), for convergent validity
(+), for discriminative validity
The mediolateral balance assessment (MELBA) tool Cofré Lizama, 2015 [50] N/R N/R N/R r < 0.70
The Spring Scale Test (SST) DePasquale, 2009 [51] ICC = 0.94
MIC not defined (?) N/R N/R Hypotheses confirmed
The Microsoft Xbox One Kinect (Kinect v2) Eltoukhy, 2018 [52] ICC > 0.75
MIC not defined (?) N/R r not reported
The TURN 180 test Fitzpatrick, 2005 [53]
Ranji, 2020 [54]
ICC = 0.828
MIC not defined (?) N/R r not reported
Hypothesis confirmed
The Lower Quarter Y-Balance Test (LQ-YBT) Freund, 2019 [55] ICC ≥ 0.98
MIC not defined (?) N/R N/R Hypothesis not confirmed
The Narrow Path Walking Test (NPWT) Gimmon, 2013
ICC = 0.77–0.92
MIC not defined (?) N/R N/R Inconsistent
One leg standing (OLS) Giorgetti, 1998 [40]
Lin, 2004 [41]
ICC ≥ 0.75
N/R N/R Indeterminate
(+), for discriminative validity
(−), for convergent validity
Tandem Gait (TG) Giorgetti, 1998 [40] ICC = 0.31
The five-times-sit-to-stand test (FTSST) Goldberg, 2012 [57] ICC = 0.95
MIC not defined (?) N/R N/R Inconsistent
The Maximum Step Length (MSL) test Goldberg, 2010 [58] ICC = 0.90–0.96
MIC not defined (?) N/R N/R Inconsistent
The Thirty Rapid-Step test (30-RST) Goldberg, 2015 [59] ICC = 0.85
MIC not defined (?) N/R N/R Inconsistent
The Community Balance and Mobility Scale (CBM) Weber, 2018 [60] ICC ≥ 0.97
N/R Criteria not met
N/R Inconsistent
The German-Community Balance and Mobility Scale (German CBM) Gordt, 2019 [61] ICC ≥ 0.99
N/R Criteria not met
r > 0.70
Hypothesis confirmed
The Shortened version of the Community Balance and Mobility Scale (s-CBM) Gordt, 2020 [62] N/R N/R Criteria met
N/R Inconsistent
The ‘Step-Ex’
(New Development Technologies [NDT], Stockholm, Sweden)
Halvarsson, 2012 [63] ICC = 0.71–0.87
MIC not defined (?) N/R N/R N/R
Tinetti’s POMA balance subscale Harada, 1995 [30]
Lin, 2004 [41]
ICC ≥ 0.93
N/R N/R Indeterminate
(+), for discriminative validity
(−), for convergent validity
The Short Berg Balance Scale (BBS-9) Hohtari-Kivimaki, 2012 [64] N/R N/R Criteria met
r < 0.70
The Multi-Directional Reach Test (MDRT) Holbein-Jenny, 2005 [31]
Newton, 2001
ICC = 0.83–0.98
N/R Criteria not met
(±), for convergent validity
(−), for discriminative validity
The Kinect system (Kinect for Xbox 360™, Microsoft Corp, Seattle, WA, USA) Hsiao, 2018 [66] ICC ≥ 0.775
N/R N/R r < 0.70
rS > 0.50
The Turkish version of Fullerton Advanced Balance (FAB-T) scale Iyigun, 2018 [67] ICC = 0.96
N/R N/R rS = 0.70
The Fullerton Advanced
Balance (FAB) Scale
Klein, 2011
Rose, 2006 [69]
ICC not reported
N/R N/R r ≥ 0.70
The parallel walk test Lark, 2009 [70] N/R N/R N/R N/R Hypotheses not confirmed
The Timed Up and Go (TUG) test Galhardas, 2020 [39]
Lin, 2004 [41]
Nightingale, 2019 [71]
Pelicioni, 2022 [33]
Yingyongyudha, 2016 [24]
ICC ≥ 0.83
MIC not defined
N/R r not reported
Hypotheses confirmed
The Balance Computerised Adaptive Testing (Balance CAT) Lu, 2015 [72] N/R MIC not defined
N/R r = 0.90
Hypothesis confirmed
The MyBalance test Mansson, 2021 [73] N/R N/R N/R N/R r not reported
The Brief-Balance Evaluation Systems Test (Brief-BESTest) Marques, 2016 [20]
O’Hoski, 2015 [21]
Viveiro, 2019 [22]
ICC = 0.82–0.99
MIC not defined
N/R rS ≥ 0.83
(±), for discriminative validity
(+), for convergent validity
The Functional Gait Assessment-Brazil
(FGA- Brazil)
Marques, 2021 [74]
Kirkwood, 2021 [75]
ICC > 0.90
MIC not defined
Criteria not met
rS = 0.80
Hypothesis confirmed
The ‘Get-up and Go’ Test Mathias, 1986 [76] ICC not reported
N/R N/R r < 0.70
The apparatus for assessment of postural responses Matjacic, 2010
N/R N/R N/R r < 0.70
Hypothesis confirmed
A comprehensive set of inertial sensor measures of postural sway
(The Balance Score (BS) & The Weighted Balance Score (WBS))
Mcmanus, 2022 [78] ICC ≥ 0.75
N/R N/R N/R Inconsistent
The Modified Version of the Community Balance and Mobility Scale (CBMS-Home) Ng, 2021 [79] ICC = 0.95
MIC not defined
Criteria not met
N/R Inconsistent
The Pavia Instrumented Tinetti Test (PITT) Panella, 2008 [80] N/R N/R Criteria not met
r not reported
Hypotheses confirmed
The Dynamic Gait Index (DGI) Pelicioni, 2022 [33] ICC ≥ 0.85
N/R N/R N/R r > 0.50
The Danish Version of the Dynamic Gait Index (Danish DGI) Jønsson, 2011 [98] ICC = 0.82–0.89
MIC not defined (?) N/R N/R N/R
The Functional Gait
Assessment (FGA)
Pelicioni, 2022 [33]
Wrisley, 2010 [99]
Beninato, 2016 [100] $
ICC ≥ 0.80
N/R N/R r = 0.84
Hypotheses confirmed
The NIH Toolbox® Standing Balance Test Peller, 2022 [81] ICC = 0.84
MIC not defined
N/R r < 0.70
The Biodex SD (Biodex Medical Systems, Shirley NY) Riemann, 2017 [82] ICC = 0.74–0.86
MIC not defined
The Balance Scale (by Roberts) Roberts, 1987 [83] N/R N/R Cronbach’s α not reported (?) N/R N/R
The Turkish Version of the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) Sahin, 2008 [84] ICC = 0.97–0.98
N/R Criteria not met
N/R r > 0.50
The Persian version of the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) Salavati, 2012 [85] ICC = 0.93–0.95
N/R Criteria not met
N/R r > 0.50
The Nintendo Wii Fit exergame Sato, 2021 [86] N/R N/R N/R N/R r > 0.50
The Wii Stillness (WST) Test Simms, 2020 [88] N/R N/R N/R r < 0.70
The short form of the Fullerton Advanced Balance (SF-FAB) scale Sinaei, 2021 [89] ICC = 0.92–0.99
MIC not defined
Criteria not met
r not reported
Hypothesis confirmed
The ‘balance meter’ Stokes, 1998
ICC not reported
MIC not defined
N/R N/R Inconsistent
The AMTI Accusway system for balance and postural sway measurement (Advanced Mechanical Technology, Inc.,
Watertown, Massachusetts)
Swanenburg, 2008 [91] ICC = 0.52–0.89
MIC not defined
A dual-task computer game-based platform (TGP) Szturm, 2015 [92] ICC = 0.55–0.7
MIC not defined
The Modified Bathroom Scale Vermeulen, 2012 [93] N/R N/R N/R N/R Inconsistent
The instrumented modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction on Balance (i-mCTSIB) utilising the Neurocom Very Simple Rehab (VSR) Sport force plate (Natus Medical
Incorporated, Pleasanton, California).
Watson, 2021 [94] ICC = 0.898
MIC not defined
Models for estimating decline in balance using accelerometry-based gait features Simila, 2017 [95] N/R N/R N/R r not reported
r not reported
The FICSIT Balance Scales (FICSIT-3 and FICSIT-4) Rossiter-Fornoff, 1995 [96] ICC not reported
N/R N/R N/R Hypothesis confirmed
The Wii Balance Board™ (WBB) Olvera-Chavez, 2013 [97]
Scaglioni-Solano, 2014 [87]
ICC = 0.64–0.85
MIC not defined
N/R r not reported
Hypothesis confirmed
The Balance Tracking System (BTrackS) Levy, 2018 [101] ICC = 0.83
MIC not defined
Criteria not met
r ≥ 0.82
The NeuroCom Smart Equitest Research System (Natus Medical Inc, Pleasanton, California) Harro, 2019 [102] ICC ≥ 0.71
MIC not defined
N/R N/R Hypotheses not confirmed

$Only structural validity assessed.

Measurement property rating: sufficient (+), insufficient (−), inconsistent (±), indeterminate (?)

ABC, The Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale; DSE, direction-sensitive evaluation (new strategy proposed by the authors in this study); 8LBS, The 8-level balance scale; APSI, anteroposterior stability index; MLSI, mediolateral stability index; PABAK, prevalence-adjusted bias-adjusted kappa; PASE, Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly; FAB, The Fullerton Advanced Balance scale; 3MTW, The three meter tandem walk; SRD, Smallest Real Difference; Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I); SEM, Standard Error of Measurement; MDC, minimum detectable change; SD, standard deviation; CTSIB, Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction on Balance; FRT, The Functional Reach Test; SLS, single leg stance; N/R, not reported