FIG. 6.
Syncytium formation in the presence of glut-1. Cells were cocultured with either Jurkat T cells (panels A, C, and E) or C91/PL cells (panels B, D, and F) and then fixed and stained with crystal violet. Panels: A and B, HOS cells; C and D, MDBK.empty cells; E and F, MDBK.glut-1 cells; G, quantitation of syncytia. Values are the average number of syncytia per 10× field. Downward arrows indicate that less than one syncytium was present per field. Open boxes, 105 C91/PL cells per 12-well plate; closed boxes, 2 × 105 C91/PL cells per 12-well plate. In the absence of C91/PL cells or in the presence of Jurkat T cells, only rare syncytia were observed for any of the cell lines. For HOS cells in the presence of C91/PL cells, values exceeded 100 (not shown).