Table 5.
Summary | Illustrative Quotes & Examples | |
5A | Insufficient resources for CE | “It’s like you have a period of time to recruit what you can recruit … There is no patience from funding groups to the groups that are reaching out to the [community] partners, to these populations. It requires patience. It requires trust-building. It requires relationships … [But] that has not been my experience. You don’t have the luxury, you don’t have the time and resources to continue and maintain relationships with these communities.” (Funder) |
5B | Perceived tensions between science & CE | “I totally don’t think that we all recognized … the level that we would have to do [CE] to keep the numbers up… But those are kind of two distinct things that I think at times are in tension with one another.” (Research staff) “Somebody [in study leadership] was like, ‘This money, we don’t spend that on engagement’ … [CE] wasn’t a valued activity … She’s like, ‘Why would we spend money on engagement? We should spend it only on science’ … We have no science unless you have engagement … The people that are actually responsible for outreach and engagement are having to fight every day for every dollar.” (Research staff) |
5C | “Checkbox” CE | “They’re mostly paying lip service to meaningful inclusion … We’re not doing the work.” (Research Staff) “[A researcher] mentioned like ‘We’re doing so much to engage the community,’ because that’s what they want to hear. But in reality, we just don’t have the manpower to do that.” (Research staff) |