FIG. 1.
Effect of TLR3 on the regulation of cellular genes by SeV and dsRNA. Shown are global changes in mRNA levels in 293 cells (A and C) or 293 cells expressing TLR3 (B and D) 6 h after SeV infection at 1 hemagglutinating unit/4.0 × 103 cells (A and B) or dsRNA treatment at 100 μg/ml (C and D) as determined by cDNA microarray experiment. Each point on the scatter plots represents the expression of an individual mRNA message, as determined by units of fluorescent intensity, in untreated cells (x axis) plotted against its expression 6 h after SeV infection or dsRNA treatment (y axis). The central diagonal line (black) represents equal expression in treated and untreated samples, while twofold differences in expression are indicated by the two flanking blue lines. (E) Regulation of specific genes by dsRNA and SeV in 293 (−) and 293/TLR3 (+) cells. The tiles show the increase (n-fold) in mRNA expression for specific genes in SeV- or dsRNA-treated cells relative to untreated cells as a function of color. Green, expression was unchanged; yellow to red, expression was induced to increasing degrees. (F) RPA of ISG56 induction in untreated (lanes 1 and 4), dsRNA-treated (lanes 2 and 5), or SeV-infected (lanes 3 and 6) 293 cells (lanes 1 to 3) or 293/TLR3 cells (lanes 4 to 6).