Figure 4. DSF assay results for the 35 participants who transmitted parasites in at least one DSF assay.
Of 175 individuals who underwent at least one DSF assay, 35 transmitted parasites on at least one occasion. One of these 35 DSF+ participants yielded positive transmission events in both years, 17 in Year 1 only, and 17 in Year 2 only. Each subject is depicted by timelines over two seasons that indicate DSF timepoints and their outcomes, stratified by trial arm. Feeds used 60 mosquitoes in Year 1 and 30 in Year 2. Dissections were performed 7 days after feed to assess transmission, with each surviving mosquito surveyed for the presence of oocysts with feeding and survival rates per arm available in Table S11, Appendix, page 70. The dots and colored circles in the figure represent DSF assays, with small black dots denoting negative DSF where no dissected mosquitoes had oocysts. Red circles are positive DSF transmission events, with the circle size proportional to the percentage of dissected mosquitoes that contained oocysts.