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Frequency of lesions at 6 and 15 wpia

Replicate Inoculum Chickens (%) with indicated type of lesions at:
6 wpi
15 wpi
Gross Histological Gross Histological Gross Histological Gross Histological
1 rMd5Δpp38 0a 25ab 0a 0a 6a 44b 25ab 37a
rMd5 60b 60b 73b 80b 79b 100a 100b 100b
Control 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0c 0a 0c
2 rMd5Δpp38 0a 20ab 0a 0a 0a 60ab 8a 40ab
rMd5 43b 80b 86b 100b 60b 100b 100b 100b
rMd5/pp38CVI 35b 80b 76b 80b 41b 100b 100b 100b
Control 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a

Data indicate the percentage of chickens that developed lesions in each group at 6 and 15 wpi. In replicate 1, there were 34 chickens per treatment and for each time point (6 and 15 wpi). In replicate 2, there were 17 chickens per treatment and for each time point (6 and 15 wpi). Differences between treatment results were statistically studied (analysis of variance test, P < 0.05). The same letter placed next to numbers within a replicate means that the differences were not significant.