A. Schematic of chimeric MXRA8 proteins used to assess binding modes. In addition to mouse or duck MXRA8, chimeras shown are Du-D1-Mo-D2 and Mo-D1-Du-D2. B-C. SINV-GFP (B) and SINV-WEEV-GFP (C) infection in ΔMxra8 3T3 cells complemented with wild-type duck (blue) and chimeric (blue/pink) duck-mouse MXRA8 (3 experiments in triplicate; normalized to wild-type duck MXRA8 infection. Infection and GFP fluorescence were analyzed by flow cytometry. D-E. SINV-CHIKV (LR 2006 strain) (D) and MAYV (E) infection of ΔMxra8 3T3 cells complemented with an empty vector, or wild-type mouse and chimeric duck-mouse MXRA8 (3 experiments in triplicate; normalized to wild-type mouse MXRA8 infection). Infection was analyzed by flow cytometry by evaluating viral antigen staining with mAbs (CHIKV or MAYV). F-I. Staining of the surface of Vero cells infected with SINV-TR339 (F), SINV-CHIKV (LR 2006 strain), (G) MAYV (H), or SINV-VEEV (I) after incubation with serially diluted mouse MXRA8-Fc, duck MXRA8-Fc, Du-D1-Mo-D2 MXRA8-Fc, LDLRAD3-D1-Fc proteins or cross-reactive anti-E1 mAb (DC2.112, positive control)37) control. Data are expressed as the percentage of infected cells that bound positively to the indicated proteins by flow cytometry (representative of 2 experiments). J-L. Neutralization of SINV TRR399 (J) SINV-WEEV (K) or SINV-CHIKV (L) (all three viruses expressing eGFP) infection by duck MXRA8-Fc, mouse MXRA8-Fc, Du-D1-Mo D2-MXRA8-Fc, Mo-D1-Du-D2-MXRA8-Fc, or LDLRAD3-D1-Fc control (3 experiments, duplicates). Infection was analyzed by flow cytometry (GFP expression) and normalized to levels after incubation with LDLRAD3-D1-Fc protein. M-N. Clinical disease (M) and survival (N) of 4-week-old female CD-1 mice inoculated with 103 PFU of WEEV (McMillan strain) mixed with Du-D1-Mo D2 N66R-MXRA8-Fc or LDLRAD3-D1-Fc. O-S. Foot swelling (O) and viral RNA levels in indicated tissues (P-S) of 4-week-old male C57BL/6J mice at 72 h after inoculation with 103 FFU of CHIKV (La Reunion 2006) mixed with 50 μg of mouse Mxra8-Fc, Du-D1-Mo-D2-N66R-MXRA8-Fc, or LDLRAD3-D1-Fc (O: 2 experiments n = 6; P-S: 2 experiments n = 10). B-E and O: one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s post-test; mean ± standard deviation (SD). N: Log rank test. P-S: Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA with Dunn’s post-test. **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001. See also Fig S11, S12, and Table S5.