Fig. 3. Proportion of variance of individual environmental covariates (EC) explained by region, location, and year-location.
Each bar represents an EC type sorted by phenological stage (yellow-to-red color scale, representing stages from germination to harvest, respectively). The proportion of variance of each EC that is attributable to systematic differences between regions, locations, and year-location are separated by colors and add up to one (100%). The dashed horizontal line represents the average (across all ECs) variance explained by location. TT = Thermal time, CumTT = Cumulated thermal time, Eo = Potential evapotranspiration, Eos = Potential evaporation, Es = Realized evaporation, LAI = Leaf Area Index, SW = Soil Water, ESW = Extractable soil water, Flow = Unsaturated water movement between layers, Flux = Saturated water flux from each layer to layer below, TimeEvap2 = Time since the start of second stage evaporation, PotRunoff = Potential runoff, PotInfiltr = Potential infiltration, and FlowNo3 = Amount of Nitrogen leaching as NO3 from each layer. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.