FIG. 1.
V-ATPase is required for eye regrowth. (A) (A1–A3) Representative brightfield images of eye regrowth phenotypes for control (DMSO; n = 30), Concanamycin A treatment (n = 31), or YCHE78 expression (n = 59; up = anterior). Closed arrowhead indicates regrowth, whereas open arrowhead indicates blocked regrowth. (A1′–A3′) Show corresponding hematoxylin and eosin-stained eye sections (n = 19, n = 16, and n = 7, respectively; up = dorsal). (B) V-ATPase−inhibited regrowth-incompetent eye at 5 dps is connected by an optic nerve (starred) to the brain. DAPI shows nucleus (magenta) and Xen1 stains neural tissues (green); up = anterior. n = 5. (C) The RI shows the quality of regrowth based on 4 phenotypic categories: full, partial, weak, and no eyes. (D) Area measurements at 5 dps show smaller eyes resulting from Concanamycin A treatment (n = 12) or YCHE78 expression (n = 16) when compared with control DMSO regrown eyes (n = 12). **P < 0.01. Data are means ± SD. Scale bars: (A1–A3) 500 μm, (A1′–A3′) 50 μm, and (B) 200 μm. DAPI, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; dps, days postsurgery; ns, not significant; RI, Regrowth Index; SD, standard deviation.